
Friday, August 6, 2010


oreo cheesecake is one of my favorite dessert, especially when from Starbucks. last weekend, armed with a personal budget of P600, i went to the grocery, bought some ingredients and made an oreo cheesecake. (one of my spur of the moment "culinary-calling" and much to the surprise of my mother!).

my cheesecake was not bad for a novice in the kitchen...NOT BAD AT ALL! hehehe my "baking" skill got a bit rusty since i havent been cooking for quite a LOOOOOOOONG time...

i leave it up to my mom, a superb cook, to fill my tummy's cravings. hahaha

here's how i made it:


1 1/4 c. Oreo cookie crumbs
3-4 tbsp. butter, melted

1 cup whipping cream
3 (8oz package)Pheladelphia cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup caster sugar
24 Oreo cookies
12 mini Oreo cookies

Combine cookie crumbs and butter. Press into a 21cm loose bottom pie pan. Place in freezer while preparing filling.

Whip cream until stiff peaks form. Place in refrigerator. Whip cream cheese until smooth. Add sugar and blend. Coarsely chop 24 Oreo cookies and fold into cream cheese mixture. Fold in whipped cream. Turn filling in crust and spread evenly. Divide the 12 mini cookies over the top. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours. Loosen cheesecake by running knife around edges. Release sides of pan.

tadaaaaaa! here's my finished product! in fairness most of the people who got to taste it loved it and i got positive reviews. :D in my cheesecake, i did not use mini oreos, i just cut a normal oreo cookie in half (for the topping!)



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