
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chili's Big Mouth Burger Sale

an office mate read about this in the newspaper last week. hence despite us having a rigorous training, we really made a commitment to go to Chili's and avail of this scrumptious meal offer.

thus this morning, a quarter before 11, me and my two other office mates head to Greenbelt 5...we were excited like a kid on christmas morning!!! i ordered the bacon burger and a bottle of ice cold beer--SAN MIGUEL LIGHT! (well we ordered the bucket thing and mine was San Mig Light). We met up with the girlfriend of my office mate and her friend and that made us a party of five (from the initial 3)!!!

before the attack *grinning in anticipation*

i must say that up until now (its evening already), i still relish the feel of biting into that crisp burger bun and juicy well-done delicious burger patty! With a very hearty serving of tasty french fries... YUM YUM YUM LOVEEEEET! :D (i almost didnt notice the saltiness of the fries coz the "STAR" of the day is the lovely burger.)

bon appetit!


Monday, April 26, 2010

apolitical, huh?!?

upon seeing my blog, i suddenly felt excited! this is slowly forming like the "blogs" i envisioned it to be... so i told myself, i gotta do another one! hehehe

since elections is just around the corner (less than two weeks!) and baller ids are everywhere, i decided to make a political statement (despite me, claiming to be an apolitical!) NOTE: i am not leaning towards any candidate as of this moment. despite my friends having strong and sometimes varying opinions regarding who is "better evil" or who will "less likely to corrupt THAT much", i have no idea yet as o who i will vote. my political stand is still a blur!

so i gotta ask my dear candidates: CAN YOU WALK THE WALK, OR ARE YOU ALL TALK?!?

i am really amazed at the gull of those candidates who are entering the political arena in a level that are really arent up to their sleeves. i mean how can you handle a higher level position without even going through the lower levels. PLUS, i am somewhat irritated by those candidates who (i assume) just decided to run for elections just for the heck of it. when you look at their resumes as candidates, they havent even done any community work. whats up with that?

public service does not start upon filing the certificates of candidacy. it happens waaaaay before that. because the true definition of public service is giving without asking in return for the betterment of the filipinos. now, all those crappy candidates have hidden agendas. no one now has that true love for country, unlike the older days wherein everyone is willing to give up their lives for the philippines. now, its more like how the can gain more money, more power...

sad sad sad



eagle's point of view

by no means am i a photographer nor do i even level myself as a photo enthusiast. i have ZERO knowledge as to photography and my love for pictures is just a by-product of my love to observe. so if you have a critical eye regarding any of my photos may it be technical or just its plain aesthetic appeal, be mindful that beauty is in the eye of the beholder..

in the end, its all just a matter of perspective..but comments are more than welcome! *WINK WINK*

look at all those smog! argh and its only 8 in the morning... pollution has enveloped the metro
**a viewpoint from the tallest building in the Philippines**

took this photo primarily because of the amazing makati infrastructure. now, who says we're a third world country with all these businesses thriving and developing by the minute... :D

i have more photos to upload but i have few little time to do it (am a working woman ya'know!)

'til my next snapshots...
