
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Abe, where good friends dine

Abe…. Where good friends dine!
the menu cover
Indeed Abe (pronounced as ah-beh) is where good, no make it GREAT, friends dine!
from the group that brought us Cafe Adriatico and more...

Last Friday, Che called for a dinner to discuss our upcoming Baguio trip. I, Mai, Millet and Claire expressed our agreement to attend. The schemers, (yes I am calling them schemers), Che and Mai agreed to meet at Abe Trinoma around 7pm. They said that the late comer will shoulder the bill for the night—having in mind that since I’ll be coming from Makati that I’ll surely be late. Ha! Karma backfired on them, coz I got off from work around 4.30 and was already in Trinoma around 5.30 (a good an hour and a half early!). Che arrived next, around 6.30 and told me that Claire suddenly was not feeling well, hence she wouldn’t be able to make it. Mai and Millet came last—more than an hour late. Che and I were already in Abe around 7pm and Mai and Millet arrived around 8pm.

those in attendance
Food at Abe were gooooood!
Che and I ordered the squid tactics as appetizer…and while waiting for Mai and Millet (so that the waiter will not throw us out if the restaurant for occupying a table). Squid tactics was GREAT! I likened it to calamares only lighter…I like the sauce, a bit sweet and spicy—just the right combo! YUM!
yummmy squid tactics!

When Mai and Millet arrived, we let them know that we already ordered Lamb Adobo, Rellenong Mais, Binukadkad na Pla-Pla and for dessert, Choco Fondue with Fried Suman. But the two added a few more dishes—Sisig ng Pangasinan and Pork Sinigang.

Rellenong Mais...i like!

uber tender Lamb Adobo
(i personally call it ADOBONG SOSYAL!)
Binukadkad na Pla-Pla--it sure was sliced opened!
pork sinigang
sisig ng Pangasinan (although i dont really tasted the difference from other sisig that i'v eaten)
taste of Filipino dessert with a twist!
Choco Fondue and Fried Suman--can you spell YUMMM??
We were stuffed! I loved the Rellenong Mais, it looked llike hash brown but more filling! The Lamb Adobo was soooo tender, felt like the meat actually melted when you bite into it! Binukadkad na Pla-Pla was cool, as weel, I liked their presentation of the dish, but not really THAT spectacular—it was good though, if you’re a fish person you’ll probably like it! Their Sisig and Sinigang was alright as well…:D What I found amazing was their fondue. I never had my suman fried before, so that was surely something new! I realized that fried suman and chocolate is a good combination.
the great friends at Abe
The meal was good but the conversation was even better. We were catching up on what’s going on in the lives of everyone. The real purpose of our dinner was forgotten… we were busy laughing our hearts content!
Then we had a bucket of light beer and calamares at Jack’s Loft. Our Baguio Trip discussion took us about (maximum of) 20minutes. The rest are ladies chitchatting.. (again!) I supposed we never run out of conversation…hehehe
my drink at Jack's Loft
calamares, something to munch on while drinking
Then Che had to leave early (around 11pm) coz she has work the next day. Mai, Millet and I went to Giligans for another round of light beers. I ordered cola this time, as I’m afraid my body will start to react anytime soon on the alcohol content (I only had half a bottle for the whole night!).
at Giligans...felt like a teenager while I was there
We again discussed a lot of topics and future travels. I love spending time with these girls. Not only are they intellectually stimulating to talk to, they’re hilarious as well! Never a dull moment! We (Mai, Millet and I) finally called it a night around 3am…hence I was absent on my yoga class scheduled that morning…haaaay oh well, I had fun! :D

Great weekend indeed! Looks like I really ended the month with a blast!
whatever else that maybe lacking in my life, my friends more than made up for it! Sure glad I have great company of friends!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Black Beauties

Blackbeauties @ 2011 minus Kimmy

Fourteen going on fifteen years of friendships, that's what we have. We started during our junior year in high school and until now that we are career-women (for the most part hehehe) we've manage to nurture our friendship, we've become each other's best of friends—more like soul sisters.

We call ourselves The Black Beauties (BBs, for short). How we came up with that name was already been forgotten. We all have different versions of it. My version is… my earliest recollection when we started to call ourselves as The Black Beauties was when we had an overnight at Lia's place during high school because we did our group term paper at her house. In the morning, while we were having breakfast, Lia and Kim were watching this program black beauty (the story about a black horse) and both of them were in akimbo while muttering (in almost the same intonation and almost at the same time) "black beauty". We all laugh and that’s how it all started. That's the version I have.

Later on we went to different universities but our friendship remained intact.

Distance has never been a problem with us—us having Manila Chapter and US Chapter (for the two changs—yes we call each other changs—who decided to settle abroad). The cyberspace has become a perfect place for us to get an update regarding one another… is started with (now defunct) friendster, then came the multiply site, now facebook, twitter, skype and ym.

Christmas get-together has been sort of a tradition to us. We always allot one weekend for us to meet and greet each other, exchange gifts… especially now that we have little nathan (the fist Black Beauty baby...Christmas is special to us).

For this year, we've decided to meet for lunch on the 2nd of January 2011. Just because that's the only "free" day for ALL of us... we wait in line at Kanin Club at UP Technohub. That was the first time I ate there. At first i thought, "What the heck?!? Why are we waiting in line (i think we were 7th or 8th group in waiting). Why not go to other restaurant? (i must say that good dining place at UP technohub is few!). But Faith swears by the "aligue" rice ( alige= crab fat).

We ordered aligue rice, tinapa rice (smoked fish), crispy dinuguan (pork blood stew), sinigang na baboy, crispy liempo, laing, the rest I have forgotten. (We ordered a lot!hehehe):D


yummy aligue rice (high blood!!!)


We are stuffed! the food here is great! no wonder there's a loooooong waiting line outside. worth the trip, worth the wait, worth every penny! :D

group pic with arvin

lovely ladies inthe house! :D

We had our typical exchange gifts at Starbucks but we also bought some pastries at Coffeebean (we have no brand loyalty hehehehe). Talks about our lives—present and future was aplenty!

first official BB married couple

exchange gifts mode

Wish we all get together (COMPLETE) by the end of the year! Until our next get-tog!

Fun times!