
Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine's day

ahhhh its valentine's day once again.

if you're single (like me) you probably dread this day. why? because the moment i stepped out of the house this morning, i am reminded as to my single status. if for couples its valentine's day, for us singles, today is single awareness day! (for others, they termed it as SINGLES INDEPENDENCE DAY but independent from what, may i ask?!?)

yep, that we are!

i'm not bitter or anything (although i project the image that i am bitter hahaha) i am still hopeful that one day, in the near future, love will come my way. :D

so as i've said, its single awareness day... everywhere i go there are flowers scattered, chocolates, people wearing RED dresses/shirts... i, on the other hand, wore black and white dress and pearls (just to be contrary!haha)

since i dont usually wear a dress in the office (it's hard to commute wearing heels + dress) everyone was teasing me as they thought that i have a date.

"nope, i dont have a date" i said. "but i am open to the possibility that at the last minute, someone may conjure enough nerves to ask me out!" hahaha

(to someone who at one point or another toyed with the possibility of spending valentines day with me, you should have had the nerve to ask me out--i learned my lesson, i will not be too grouchy anymore hahaha)
plus I may be dateless today but that does not mean I’m loved-less… I have all the love of my family and friends for now its more than enough… although prince charming is welcome to join the club hehehe...

anyhow, forget about has been water under the bridge :) on to the main topic:

i loved my breakfast for today! i had one grande (hot) cafe mocha, one dark chocolate macadamia cookie and one FREE VIA ready brew sachet (all from my ever reliable morning cafe, Starbucks!)

yum right?!?
the reason for my early coffee "splurge" was because i'm fueling up for a very tiring day ahead... why do i say so? because my most annoying "client" (if i can call her that--i dont have clients but i have no other way to call her) will drop by the office today (around 1.30pm) hence i need all the ENERGY and POSITIVITY i can get! i tell you, once you meet her, all your energy, patience and strength will definitelydrain!

i just hope it will be finished soon enough! :D

my morning "clients" were pretty much a-okay..i thought today will be hell day but i guess only in the afternoon! anyhow, i'm happy (so far!)

have a happy valentines day!

note: my day turned out pretty calm and uneventful! my annoying "client" was actually tamed today...i wonder why... i should now brace myself for the next outburst!

date-less but not love-less
