
Thursday, March 31, 2011

chewy TRIPLE chocolate chip cookies

look how cute they are all aligned like soldiers!

I'm on a roll last weekend baking one thing after another. These were the ones I baked last Monday afternoon after work! :D

I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies—one that is through and through chocolate-y!

these cookies i looooove!

Luckily, I found this in one of the websites I opened when I googled "chewy chocolate chip cookies". I'm not quite sure where exactly I found it—if I found it based on its picture, or based on a blog or recipe... but when I saw that it used bitter chocolate, my mouth watered! :D (I'm sorry to the inventor of this recipe as I am not able to name you...but KUDOS to you for such creation!!! good job! Hats off to you! :D)

yummy noh?!?

your end-product should look like this...sort of! :D

At first, I was skeptical as to the whole procedure. But nevertheless I brave my way through it! And it actually tasted good! REALLY! (I'm not just saying this because I'm the one who baked it, but I'm saying this because of all the cookies I've made—so far—this one I liked BEST!). It taste much better when served warm (pop it in the microwave for a few seconds before serving) and the chocolates are slightly melted. *HEAVENLY!* When it's cool, the cookies tend to be crispy... (Have I mentioned I liked chewy cookies?!? *grin*)

Anyhow, here's how I made these:

4 oz bittersweet chocolate
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 ¼ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 ½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used milk chocolates)

1) Preheat oven at 325F or 160C.

2) Melt butter and bittersweet chocolate over low heat. I was constantly aware of the "heat" during this part, as I don't want my chocolates to burn. Every now and then I remove my pan from the flame and let the chocolates melt due on itself... Plus the heat was at its lowest, again to refrain from burning the chocolates!!! (I have a bad/traumatic experience with melting chocolates before that's why I was too careful when I did this!) Cool and set aside. :D

3) Combine all the dry ingredients = meaning: mix together flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking soda. I just whisk it until all are thoroughly (well) blended.

4) On medium speed, beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Then add the vanilla :D

5) On low speed, gradually add the butter-bitter chocolate mixture.

6) Still on low speed, gradually add the dry ingredients mixture. Mix until all ingredients are combined.

7) FOLD in the semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used my favorite milk chocolate and cut it into pieces—double the taste, double the fun! :D)

8) Make a tablespoon full cookie ball and baked for 10-13minutes (I prefer 10 minutes, better to under bake this one!) at 325F or 160C.

i used spoons to "mold" the cookies

best served warm so pop it first in microwave for few seconds before serving!

then enjoy with friends!

This has brownie feel to it when it is served. Yummmm-meh!

my teeth after eating all those sweets :D

chocoholic attack,
