
Thursday, July 14, 2011

point-shoot-expose!!! (GENERAL SANTOS CITY and DAVAO CITY 2011 TRIP)

I know it’s been awhile since I last posted anything in this "blog-kingdom" of mine hehehe. I have been very very busy... (it aint easy being a *ehem ehem* public servant )

the last week of april 2011 was scheduled for my gensan-davao trip. my best friend hails from gen san and her brother was getting married. (I tagged along and became a wedding crasher hehehe). Actually I knew everyone in my friend's family (except for that brother whose wedding I got to crashed). But all’s well... wedding-crasher was welcomed by my friend's bro and sis-in law! yehey!

Although my trip wasn’t how I imagined it to be…I never get to explore the “outskirts” of Davao and Gen San….mainly we stayed in the city—hotels to be exact! I didn’t get to "experience" the two cities as most of the days were spent with family gatherings (I crashed a LOT of family gatherings during the trip. Hahaha)

Too bad,I was planning on hitting the beaches BUT our schedule were pretty tight…maybe next time!  *wishful thinking*

One of the highlights of the trip was when we visited the mansion of famous boxer Manny Pacquio. (BUT I wasn’t able to take a picture, we passed by their house at 10.30pm it’s too dark for a photograph) and another house of Jinky in Lagao (I think, that’s what the place was called!)

So here are the HOTELS, FOOD and PEOPLE during my entire gensan-davao trip.

THE ROYAL HOTEL @ General Santos City (April 26-27 2011)

looks grand, right?!? :)

the hallway...

our beds... :)

my first ever meal at Gen. San.

from Spazzio located at Gaisano Mall Of GenSan

fish pond in our hotel... i think those were koi fish (but i'm not sure!)

buffet breakfast!!!!! YUUMMMMMMMM!

The road to Davao City...

we had a slightly car trouble in the middle of the road...

where we stopped for lunch at around 3pm!

egg-less bibingka (somehow that doesn't sound decent!hehehehe) but its true, this bibingka has no itlog na maalat on top! and this is what Mers is known for! :)

Then in Davao we stayed at Travellers Inn. (wasn't able to get a pic..too busy already with wedding preparations--I helped!)

The wedding I crashed! It was a lovely wedding, indeed...there was a free-flowing of booze and food! Imagine an eat-all-you-can tuna spree fresh from the waters of General Santos (plus other food, of course!) April 28, 2011.

the view infront of the church

the view INSIDE the church

"here comes the bride" moment

The reception (naturally) follows...

the app view on daylight

the apo view at night


lovely well(themed)-decorated ceiling

the wedding cake

cupcake below (and surrounding) the cake

cake-sharing moment of the couple you know who got drunk that night! hehehehe :D

Food-craving in Davao...

I forgot what the restaurant was called but it sells delicious BBQ at only P5/stick!
I think nothing can beat that! :D

Side-trip before going back to GenSan...

well-known store for pasalubong

Durians are sold along the streets! They're everywhere! :D

ahhhh trees... lovely trees :D

Back in GenSan...we stayed atFamily Country Hotel (April 29-May1)

front view

the welcome sign

hallway outside off to other rooms to the other side of the hotel...

its a maze...sort of, i think

(I got lost but then I have no sense of direction!)

near the lobby

our room!

the view from our veranda

hallway going to the pool

convention place (i think)


somehow the female looked a bit muscular...

the swimming pool

(i am not allowed to swim, says the doctor :S )

by this time I'm green with envy!

I want to swim but I can't!

I watched TV instead...while the others swam outside!

the floor in our room

(sorry, i got bored while waiting for the others)

so I took a bath instead! (fresh!)

Extra-curricular GenSan exploration...

we ate at a Mandarin Restaurant for dinner

saw this sign from a sari-sari store at 11PM while we looked for a mineral water!

Over-all I am one happy camper! I just wish I had more time... seems like the 6 days aren't enough! I don't want to go back to reality!

South, I will definitely go back! Until next time!
