
Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm on a healthy-living-mode this past few days and so far, so good. (plus I'm liking this whole mobile blogging thing, that makes me do this right now--after a long hiatus)

I never like oatmeal. The gooey-ness is not to my liking. Ulk!

But the path to a healthier living must start somewhere, right? So here I go! Haha

pretty(healthy)twistedchick *wink*

friday madness

I was reading a certain blog during my lunchbreak (yes, I decided to skip lunch--just because I can! haha), and I came across this entry where the blogger wrote a letter to his future girlfriend. So I decided to make one for myself (yes, gaya gaya ako...haha) so here goes my ïmpromptu letter to my future significant other:

Dear Future Boyfriend (and hopefully Husband)
(I know...pressure, right?!?hahaha)

I don't really know when you'll arrive. Or if you're already here. But I believe that in the Lord's perfect time our paths will cross. (Just give me a little nudge, will you...if you're already here... I tend to be dense at times and a little preoccupied with a lot of things, I might not recognize you even if you're right in front of me).  I'm hoping you'll ease away all my worries and prove that all my fears were wrong. I want you to know that it has been quite a rollercoaster "journey"getting to you but I never lost hope.

And now that you're here, I look forward to God's plan for us and I'm happy to share so many (upcoming) adventures with you. Don't be afraid, I don't expect perfection for I am not perfect as well. But what I expect from you is that you will cherish every moment we spend with other.

I'm happy you are here now. I hope to have met (and surpassed) all of your expectations of me haha. 

Your prettytwisted FUTURE girlfriend