
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

red day!

I like the color red.

Definitely my current favorite!

It started with my nail polish... I always opt for red nail polish  (or a tan one) since it makes my hands...and feet whiter hahahaha)

When I was strolling along SM...I saw this... Orly "Soulmate"... I jokingly said that I just wish that when I use this nail polish, I will be able to conjure my "Soulmate" hahaha

my lovely nails---LOVELY?!? nyahaha

read my lips hahaha

Thursday, April 5, 2012

project bag'it!

I have a sort of photo/blog "project" (naks!)

I'm always curious as to what's inside people's bags. My cousins could attest to this because sometimes I will just pick up their bags and take a peep at what they carry inside. I try to limit this kind of scenarios only with my cousins since some of my friends may have privacy issues. hehehe

However, before I embark this project of mine, I find it fair (and equitable--haha) for me to show what's in MY bag. (note: I don't have a medium-sized bag. Its either ultra-big-bags and ultra-small ones...---somehow with big bags I always end up carrying A LOT of things; )

So for today here's whats in my (BIG) bag:

it doesn't always look this organized...because I do the digging to fish my stuff! :)

DEFENSE: I can't help it I'm a girl! *excuses, excuses*

What I love about my bag is that it holds a LOT of treasure! Special thanks and shoutout to my dear cousin Thinafot, who shipped this bag all the way from Germany to Philippines as my Christmas gift! :)

The following are the things I love, stand-outs and carry around (most of the time!):

1.) My iPhone and its BookBook case by Twelve South. I love it because its a wallet and case all-in-one! I don't usually hang onto my slightly-bulky wallet whenever I leave. (although I do carry my wallet, case in point: above pic. (can you see it?)

Its more convenient this, money and cards :) Plus it gives you the illusion not of a phone case but of a small book...I LOVE IT! Bonus is the smell of pure leather!

A book turned bill/cardholder and a phone case. What more can you ask for? 

2.) My notebook. Just because I like to write down my thoughts and learnings. I cover this myself---isnt lovely?!

front and back cover :)

3.) My books. I love to read and I am a voracious reader. Its lent so my current reading is Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom (I love him and I have read all his books--so far!). Another current (re-) reading is the 1997 Rules of Courts. I've read this (and know this by heart) in law school but its always good to do some re-reading :)

In short, I cannot NOT have a book with me---at all times!!

As once said by a journalist... "Date a girl who reads..." *wink wink* hahahahahahaha

4.) Eyeshadow. I don't really do make-up but I'm currently fascinated with eyeshadows. If you somehow see me and I looked as if I have a shiner or I just stepped out of a boxing match, it only means that I haven't mastered the art of eyeshadow! hehehe I am so jealous at women who are experts at putting their own makeup...because I don't know how! hehehe

I go for the barely-there make-up...or at least I think thats what I try to do! hehehe

5.) Dental Floss. I am addicted to flossing these days. Yep, you heard it right. Growing up nobody told me that apart from brushing I should also floss... Now it seems like I'm making up for the lost time! hahaha That's how love to floss. Gotta take care of our "pearly-whites".

Minty floss!

6.) Eyeliner. Same explanation as the Eyeshadow. I love this Maybelline Gel Eyeliner, its so easy to use :)

7.) Eyeglasses or contact lens. My love for reading has its set-backs. I now have to use glasses or contact lens. :) These are my new spectacles...and I cannot really rely on contacts alone.

I can now have an HD-view of the world because this! :)

8.) Rosary. I got this during my 4th year in high school and I haven't parted with it since! I consider this as my armor, my guide, and my good luck charm. I never leave the house without it.

Its a colorful life! Thank you Lord. :)

That's it! So on to the next-bag! :)
