
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Alone again, naturally.

The first time I heard of this is from my friend Tots.

Spending alonetime has been second-nature to me now... Hahahaha

dining out

I'm such a sucker for romantic ambiance! Tsk tsk

pretty(aloneandwaiting)twisted chick

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

growing pains

Darnit, these days I feel more and more old! No, this is not a whine of a person nearing her birthday (my birthday is months and months away) but a hard reality kick in the butt.

Back in the day I can function with little sleep now, no more.

When I was in lawschool, I'd sleep around 8-9pm and wake up around 12am to study. I find that there are little distractions (tv, internet, people) in the wee hours of the morning and so thats the time I do my "serious" studying. Then by 5am I'll take a nap, wake up at 6 or 7 am then off to school. There was even a time in college when I was (and yes I was counting!) 36 hours. I think thats when we're doing our thesis! But now, I cannot do that anymore.

Having been sleep deprive for last decade or so has finally takeb its toll on me!

Just this morning, I slept at past 12am. It wasnt a deep sleep even, then by 2am I woke up with a suddern urge to phrase a certain document I was working on and then couldnt go back to sleep. It was already 3:30am when I got to nap then alam went off at 4:30am. I snoozed it and was up by 5am.

Then now the result of little/lack of sleep (plus stress, which is an occupational hazard), I am red all over. Literally!

I'm having a bad case of skin asthma!

I guess all thr stress, lack of sleep over fatigue and other abuse I did to my poor body is finally catching up on me.


I have skin asthma and other ultr sensitive skin conditions (that my friend even said that I should live in a bubble!). When stressed, sleep deprived and even the littlest allergens could trigger it bad. Worse case scenario aggravate what I already have :(

Haaaaay I am really not what I used to. I am really getting older and my body weaker. :(

Meanwhile, all these "OLD" talks made me wonder what I look like when I get older (and hopefully more wiser! Hehe) I tinker the apple app store and saw the Oldify app...

Here's what I will probably look like 40 years from now hahaha

I look sad.... I dont like the older me! hahahaha

Sad realization,
