
Friday, May 30, 2014

Today I feel...

Sometimes I cannot help but feel like I the odd ball out. 


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


my wake up call :D

things are surely different these days.
for one, the first thing I see when I wake up every morning is this gal... 
...or in case of the pic above, her butt! hehehe
She is also the last thing I see when I sleep at night. :)
Somehow, life has become better. :-D

prettytwistedchick and djudge ;-)

Monday, May 5, 2014


Because lately I am
enarmored bythe words
of Pablo Neruda 


take me away

Manila Bay 2014

Have you ever had that urge to just leave?
Get up, and go wherever the wind takes you.
Without a care as to the consequences.

I've been having that nagging feeling ever since this year started. I even planned a birthday getaway (which didn't happen!) 
Maybe one of these days...
Maybe I'll just sail away.

Maybe I will be alone in this journey.
Maybe you'll come with me.
Maybe there will be a big company.
