
Thursday, October 30, 2014

hugsss please?

I've been having a bad day.
No make it a week coz it started last Friday and its Thursday now.

I am stressed, sad, angry, worried and irritated.
I need a hug.

Either  that or I really need to punch someone, fast.
In the face.
But I'm not a violent person.
So a hug will do.

I don't know what it is with hugs.
It doesn't solve anything but it revitalizes a seemingly battered soul
(emotionally, physically and intellectually)

Its a charger of some sort.

There's something with two hearts beating together.

A kiss, well it can be patronizing
With hugs, there is a sense of support and presence,
that no matter what you or the world thinks, you are not alone.
Hugs are more intimate in a lot of ways.

I like hugs.
Will you give me some?
I need one right about now.

I've drained all my energy.
And I'm angry too (which normally it would take a LOT for me to get angry)
Guess this is "A LOT!".


Think, I will do some hibernating.  :)
