
Monday, November 10, 2014

Music...they speak!!!!

"So honey now

Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand"

I'm slightly sick 
(I haven't claimed it yet!hehe)

I got colds. Boo.
But all else are pretty normal.
Except for the occasional headaches, 
runny nose, and the need to sleep.
(after-effect of the colds medicine)

Just this weekend, I did a lot of sleeping...
...apart from doing my errands, coz no one else will do them.
My routine was : 
sleep. eat. errands/chores. sleep.


It would be nice if this part of the song is
happening right now...

"So, baby, now Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are"

Not the kiss part...eww I got colds!
I'm a walking virus (exag!!hehe)
Plus I don't think I would be able to breathe
I'm panting (exag again!) as it is.

Bottomline, I want hugs.
Lots and lots of hugs.
A lot of TLC
Maybe a little dancing on the side.
(This song calls for a slow dance, dontchathink?)

But the universe is not conspiring right now.

So I will just sleep this colds off... again.

