
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Big Brothers Burger Half Off

as you all probably noticed, i have this "thing" with great food at a bargain price. who wouldnt want to eat a delicious and tummy-filling dinner without burning a hole in your pocket, right?

so last june 23, 2010 ALL Brothers Burger branches (except the one in Bonifacio High Street) participated in this Big Brothers Burger sale. Imagine BIG Brothers Burger normally costs Php175 a piece but on that particularly glorious day, it only costs Php87.50. IMAGINE THAT!!!!! (i can feel myself drooling by just imaginig, goodness me!)

The down side was that it was only offered a particular time on that day, it was only around 11am-12pm and 6pm-7pm. Plus, only the BIG brothers burger was on sale. However, you can add additional toppings if you want. Plus the maximum number of 20 burgers per guest ONLY :)

That day, my officemates and I headed to Brothers Burger Ayala Ave around 10am but as we entered the establishment, the place was already packed. (SWEAR, THIS IS SOOO TRUE!) However, there was no system implemented for ordering, to my dismay (so much for a hassle-free service!). Upon entering the place, no one was in line yet, in fact, there was NO LINE AT ALL! We asked around whether there was a number system for ordering, but there was none. We asked the service crew if we could fall in line already, as it was still 10ish, and she said it was up to us. Hence, we made a line of our own, much to the surprise of the people who were already inside the establsihment before us. (hey, its not our problem if we were smart enough to ask, right?!?)

we even met a nice middle-aged american lady who was surprised as to how packed the place was. she was nice enough to converse with us and tell us her amazement at what was going on. if she only knew, she said, she'd buy 5 more burgers insted of just one.

by, 11am we already got our orders and we headed back to the office. we stopped by 7-eleven first to buy a liter of cola to complete the meal...

i must say, a BIIIIIG burger with a hand-full of great friends plus good conversation makes a VVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRYYYY GOOD MEAL! :)

sorry i want able to take pictures coz i was THAT hungry and was busy chitchatting with friends.:) i ate the meal at 11am but still felt full at 9pm! that is how BIG, Big Brothers Burger is!

bon appetit!


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