
Saturday, August 21, 2010

animalistic appeal

growing up, i've always been surrounded by animals (literally and figuratively haha!). i grew up with my dad grooming and breeding fighting cocks... (sorry in as much as i hate to use the words "dad" and "cocks" in one sentence this one is inevitable... thats how they termed it in derby and not fighter rooster!)

i remember when we were young and my brother and cousins would play, one of the consequences for the "loser" is to count all the chickens --young and old-- that surrounds our place... if im not mistaken, i counted around 79ish?!? hahaha

I've had pet rabbit, white with brown spots; an iguana i named igi-boy or "iguating"; bunch of fishes in the aquarium; a parrot from my lolo named pikoy and a dog named chi-chi, who died of breast cancer sometime in 2008.

so my natural fondness in animals and pet-alikes was really because of having been born in a "pet-friendly" family... and the likelihood to take some pics of them is not a remote possibility!


acrobatic oliver
here is oliver. i was the one who named him. actually at first i named him "Jasmin" out of a character in a soap opera that i was watching, later on i found out the he's not a she, but a HE! so jasmin's partner in the soap was named Oliver, hence his name. this shot is him doing some acrobatic moves on top of a roof.

brooding time
this one is choco, my mom's dog. when he was young nobody wants to adopt him coz he's notthe furriest nor the cutest among the bunch of puppies chichi gave birth to. my mom ends up with him and she loves him to bits. here, he looks as if he's brooding over how he'll get out of that chain. he hates being tied to something coz he was used to roaming around the house.

caged chichi
this is chichi, my one and only dog and she's the nicest one we ever had! whenever she gets out of the house, she struts her stuff like a queen and she doesnt bite nor bark at anyone. anybody can easily take her away. my aunt saw her roaming around the church one day and chichi followed them..nobody claimed chichi when my aunt asked around for her owner. i ended up adopting her. she passed away last 2008. :(

who's scared now?

rambo, my brother's dog. true to his name, this one is real mean! he once bit me coz i wanted him to go back inside the house. in this pic, he's afraid of the camera flash while i'm afraid that he will suddenly throw himself up on me and bite me. so it seems that he was hiding from me and i from him..weird, huh?!?

where's salem?

salem, our black cat. i named him as well. inspired by the cat of sabrina, the teenage witch! hehehe. he's sooo black that you can hardly see him in this pic!

lonely birdie

one day, i was testing my camera and i saw this bird as he poised himself up on the electricity's cable wire. i was thinking that if it rained that time, he'll surely be one toasted birdie.

mayas outside my window

when i was about five years old, somebody told me that by the year 2000 there will no birds flying outside the house nor will i hear them chirping. so from that day onwards, i always get some chicken feeds from my dad's stock and i leave some "food" for any birds to eat outside my window. my deed must have paid off since i can still take this pic and its waaaay past year 2000!

lost butterfly in the city

i was dining with a couple of friends when i saw this butterfly right outside the window. he looked so lost, and less vibrant! hehehe

do you have pets?

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