
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dinner at Amici

Place: Amici, Ayala Triangle
Date: March 11, 2011, 5pm

We have this monthly dinner thing with my former officemates-turned-friends. This has been going on for the fourth time now and it’s my turn to pick a place for us to eat. At first, I picked Jack’s Loft at Timog, since I hail from Quezon City. Hee hee hee But I heard a lot of objection from someone who lives in the South, saying that the place is unfamiliar to him and that it’s too far.

Being the compassionate that I am, I concede…I’ve decided to compromise.

Ayala Triangle at night
the busy Ayala Avenue
buildings, buildings, buildings...
Actually, this dinner nearly DOES NOT come into existence. Why? At around 3pm news about the 8.9 earthquake in Japan has reached the Philippines. Aside from the scare that my relatives in Japan might be hurt there were text messages from my mom that Philippines was on tsunami alert. I was planning on calling off the whole dinner thing at 4.30pm…when our dinner was supposedly at 5pm.
But all is well…Thank God! :D

We ended up having dinner at Amici in Ayala Triangle. I must say that Ayala Triangle at night is spectacular. It’s conducive for business meetings (at night?!?), friends night-out, or if you find that perfect little resto, a dinner date.
The place was great…and the company as well! It doesn’t hurt that the food was superb too! :D

Mozzarella Fritto
As appetizer, we ordered Mozzarella Fritto—golden fried mozzarella sticks served with tangy pomodoro sauce. YUM!

Penne Al Salmone Affumicato Pasta
I ordered, Penne Al Salmone Affumicato Pasta (smoked salmon pasta). I must say that for someone who liked fish-meals cooked either grilled or fried, the salmon here was actually great! I never had that “fishy” feeling hahaha

Linguine Al Pesto Genovese Pasta

Posh, on the other hand ordered Linguine Al Pesto Genovese Pasta—basil pesto, potatoes, green beans. It was yummy as well. I’ve had a “traumatic” experience with pesto pasta that’s why I was a bit wary tasting this meal…but it was quite good! :D I like it!

Kee did not want to order a heavy meal as he has another dinner to go to after this one so he just ordered Tentazione—rich belgian chocolate icing on moist, dark chocolate cake. Sinfully delicious! (I wasn’t able to taste this one but it looked appealing)

Pollo Arrostito
Tots ordered Pollo Arrostito—baked rosemary half chicken with veggies. YUH-MEH!!!! I loved the tenderness of the chicken with a hint of rosemary. Such a delightful dish!

Al Quattro Formaggi
And lastly we ordered Al Quattro Formaggi—four cheeses pizza. YOU SHOULD TRY THIS! This pizza is great! We told kee that he should at least try this one…its all worth it! :D
... same sitting arrangement--as usual!

The dinner was filled with funny updates and plans. As Posh would put it, these dinners of ours give us a sense of normalcy in the midst of heavy workloads, pressure from other things life and expectations of people from us. These dinners are simply the best! :D
the "normal" peeps
Normal again…

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