
Saturday, March 5, 2011

my first chocolate fudge brownie

Today I baked! *giddy*

I’ve always considered myself as oven-phobic kinda gal that’s why most of the pastries that I did in the past were all no-bake kind of cakes or used the bain-marie method (for the flan).
I am actually (and still is) contemplating on taking that Baking for Oven-phobics course but I just don’t have the time…yet! But I will, one of these days!
But today, I decided to be bold and conquer my fear of the oven.
Armed with a recipe list for a dark chocolate cake, I headed towards the nearest grocery. However, when my shopping cart is almost half-way filled, I began my search for Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa (the main ingredient for my cake) I found out that it was out of stock. To my dismay, I began putting all the baking soda, baking powder, all-purpose flour that was already in my cart. Then I came across this ready-mixed chocolate fudge brownie and I’ve decided to try it out.
I consider it as a baby-step to conquering my fear.
And here’s what happened…
yum, right?!?
..tadaaaa! it actually turned out great. Of course, I added a few stuff of my own to the mix. But people actually loved it. I put it in the container and my cousin asked me where I bought it, and she was shocked to hear that I actually baked it!
Yesssss! The brownie was moist (thank God! I hate those dry brownies) and chocolate-y. :D I can actually taste the chocolate chips. My oven-fear was forgotten!

packed and ready to be eaten haha
On to my next baking adventure! :D

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