
Monday, October 31, 2011

egg tart from Macau

I've never been a fan of eggs... when brother brought home a box of egg-tart from Macau, I was not as thrilled as others.

I hate those egg-after taste (in tagalog its called malansa...sorry I dunno how to translate it in English). Plus I had a very traumatizing experience with an egg-dish when I was a kid and I never fully recovered! hahaha

Anyhow, as I've said my brother brought home a box of egg-tart as pasalubong. And I remembered a food blogger once mentioned of craving for an authentic egg-tart here in Manila. Her search brought her to Binondo and another place somewhere in Quiapo. I said to myself, what would be more authentic than an egg-tart coming straight from China...right?!? Although, Macau already possess a Portugese and other European egg-tart from China is much more authentic than an egg-tart from Binondo hehehe (solely my opinion!)

So I opened the box and found 6 little tarts. My brother said that it would taste even better if we toast it in the oven. But being the impatient person that I am, I took a bite from the cold ones while waiting for the other ones in the oven (...then I compared the taste!haha *i know, excuses, excuses!*) My verdict? I disagree with my bro. For me, the tart tasted better cold than warm. But then again, we all have different palate! :D

now, i have a renewed sense of respect to egg tarts... :D ...not that it changed my view on eggs in general but this egg tart...i like! hehehe


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