
Sunday, October 28, 2012

in vino veritas

the irony of sponge bob table napkin and glasses of wine

It was Sunday night.

I was with my highschool friends-- bunch of 30 year olds who just had a Sponge Bob themed birthday party...and one of the celebrants was not even with us since she's based in different continent. Still we make do with what we have...we always do. It was a fun gathering though. 

Who would've that at the age of thirty a sponge bob birthday party can be fun? I guess when I was a kid I didn't understand what the fuss was all about with birthday parties. I just knew I were with friends.

After almost everyone went home (because the baby was exhausted) only three of us--single ladies--were left.

Soon the fried chicken, cake, bbq, spaghetti, and soda were discarded and we opted for more age-appropriate drink and food.

A soft melody was humming at the background, us girls sipping wine while nibbling on crackers with cheese and the conversation was stirred to love and relationship and us growing up.

Mind you, I've known this women since we were young teenagers giggling at the slightest sight of our crushes.

We've come a long way.

I suddenly remembered the quote an old officemate used to say "in vino veritas" (in wine there is truth). Given that he always say that whenever he wanted us to get some alcohol, I realized that there really is truth in wine.

Before I knew it, I was suddenly more talkative. Volunteering informations and things I don't normally say under normal circumstances. No, I'm not even the slightest drunk. I just had a sip of the wine and a slice of crackers with cheese. I'm blaming things on the environment.

Nope, not mother earth kind of environment but more of the ambiance.

I did just told you guys I'm a sucker for great ambiance, right?!? Well the ambiance was just that! 

I don't really tend to reveal much of myself on them. Despite the years we've known each other and despite almost growing up together.

I don't really reveal myself to people, actually. (DEYM, did I just blurted that one out in cyberspace?!?)  :)

I take pride on keeping (some) things to myself. (Is this something to be proud of? Ha!)

My friends tell me, I should loosen up a bit.... maybe I should.

I guess I should drink (more) wine from now on. Haha 

prettytwistedchick... cheers!

point-shoot-exposed!!!! (Singapore 2012 Trip Day 3)

SG Day 3: The third and final installment of my happy travel with happy friends earlier this year. :)

We decided to ride those double-decker buses and explore. Its our last day so we tried to do everything all at once haha

view from above

We ate lunch first in one of the malls and these are what we ordered. Unlike here, beverages are sold separately in SG. There are stalls specifically for drinks alone and if you're in a food court there are ladies strolling by with carts that sell various drinks!

dunno what this is but it was Kee's order
noodles for Tots
fried dori with sweet and sour sauce
the famous Barly 
aba, may scramble din pala dun! hahahaha

Then we walk around and see the stores. We even went to H&M shop and told Tots and Kee to shop around, while Posh and I sneaked out and went inside the Abercrombie shop. We even had our photo taken with one of the Abercrombie guys...hee hee hee

Things we saw/do along the way:

colorful street decor

yep, we had fun!

Japan? Huh?

interesting stuff

Some interesting store signs.

cropped! haha


di ata papasang gorgeous
di rin pwedeng naughty! haha
interesting signs
not a store sign but cool nonetheless

Then we head to Lucky Plaza and had a coffee. It was Sunday and the place was packed...mostly with Filipinos. Crazy!

Posh's hat
Posh's coffee
Tots Coffee
my iced coffee

Off we went to airport.

On our way, there is a sort of dragon street festival...

It was bitter-sweet to say goodbye. Leaving a friend behind and going back to your old life. Haaaay

our effort to have a group shot! :)

Last meal in SG McDonald's Grilled Chicken Burger

time to say goodbye

CHANGI AIRPORT- one of the best airports in the world 
are we angry enough for yah?

Au revoir SG... no goodbyes, only see you later!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

point-shoot-exposed!!!! (Singapore 2012 Trip Day 2)


It's our second day in SG and have the whole day to explore. We woke up early to take a bath early...I dont want to share bathroom with people I dont know. One of the downside of a backpacker type of hostel is communal bathrooms. Plus I hate it when the floor is already wet, so I have to take a bath before others! (OC, I know!)

We have spare time as we were to meet Tots near the temple around 10am so we decided to leave early and walk around. Here are the things we saw.

love how they maintained these cool buildings!

Pagoda Street, get it? haha
felt like I was in Europe not Asia
Mabuhay pose.... love the building behind me
so colorful
Buddhist temple

  We were to meet Tots at the Buddhist temple... I just had to step back and admire the beauty!

The inside is just as magnificent!

front of the temple... (me saying a prayer)

they say holding these knobs will bring good luck :)

where's wally moment hee hee hee

Off we went to explore Sentosa. :D

We rode the train... 

And when I arrived at Sentosa I became a kid again... these are the proofs:

photobombed by a fellow tourists

I always dream of kissing a seahorse
I have a sneaky suspicion that I didn't camouflage!

I heart you series...

flowers are love
I heart you

 I almost forgot I was with friends... not!

when I realized I love bridges
photobombed again by the man in yellow tsk tsk

Of course we have to take group shots. Good thing there was a hunky guy (without a shirt on! haha) who was more than willing to take our pics. Too bad he was with his equally fab girlfriend (in two-piece bikini). 


Mga babae sa breakwater ang peg! haha

man-made beach

yes, we love our pics taken! whatevs!

love vintage cars

kung fu pose

We then went to Universal Studios, Hersheys Store...ate an uber late  lunch at Malaysian food street, bought Garret popcorn (nagmamadali lang? hahaha)

my concept of chocolate heaven

I ate the famous Chicken Rice twice that day.. and sticky rice is really sticky! haha

my first chicken rice... roasted chicken--classic. yum! 
my second chicken rice--steamed version (I think!) with sticky rice
sticky rice balls

Have I tired you of my face poking everywhere, yet? But wait...theres more! haha 

We were all tired at the end of the day that we ate dinner at nearby Hakaw (?) not really sure what its called. 

We ate a carrot cake... that doesnt have any carrot in it and nor is it a cake! But tastes yummy!

carrot cake
We were all tuckered out and decided to call it a night earlier than planned. But before we hit the sack we spent a good hour just talking about stuffs in our lives over coffee. 

peace out!
