
Thursday, June 26, 2014

a reminder from the past

I am feeling down these days and I was cleaning up my emails when I found this letter of a friend of mine. This is a response to my "Changing Sails" blog entry few years back when I was on the verge of giving up lawschool.... Now I'm on the verge of giving up again, maybe this life is not for me. hmmmm

prettytwistedchick  (she wrote my nickname and I dont want to divulge it to the world ha!),
I commend you for having the courage to bestow upon yourself an ultimatum that will truly change your life. It takes a lot to do that, to decide what you want and to finally own it.
It is really scary to suddenly do away from a comfort zone to travel a path unknown. People sometimes tend to stay put because the uncertainty of being involved in new things fear them. But those restless spirits will come to a point to seek the uncertainty and risk it so to feel alive again.
We both know how demanding Law school and how it has dominated our lives. But we continue to embrace it for we have the conviction that it is indeed part of our dreams.  Many times, no matter how passionate we are and how strong our will insist, failures and hardships seem to attract us to feel cold towards the burning desire we have build up.
(prettytwistedchick!ha!), your family and friends (including I) may always tell you to “never give up”, “that you can make it”, “that things will get better”, “just be patient, and all ends well”…… but I know, there are just times that encouragements are not enough to push and keep you going.
I very much understand your “ultimatum” and I will support you for whatever your heart and spirit desire.
But may I say this to you,
You are still young my (prettytwistedchick). I believe that age is just a number. It is the state of mind and heart that makes one’s spirit feels old. Whatever endeavor you’ll choose, just remember that it is never too late.
“Man may make plans in his heart, but what the tongue utters is from the Lord. All the ways of a man may be pure in his own eyes, but it is the Lord who proves the spirit. Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked for the evil day. In his mind a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps
-         Proverbs 16:1-4; 9
Do not be afraid, (prettytwistedchick). The uncertainties will come clear in God’s time.
Others may not approve, some may get hurt, few may not understand; but, it is your approval, your feelings and your understanding which is more important.
Whatever your plans and choices will be….you either being a fresh-water fish or salt- water fish…..Your family, your friends, and I, will be your corals in the ocean of life ;)

I wish life is simple...but we don'y always get what we wished for, right?!


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