
Saturday, March 28, 2015

L.O.V.E......naks! :)

I know I said no more sad stuff...I'm not even sure if this is a sad or happy one. You (yes, you!) will have to be the judge.

I wrote this few days before Valentines' Day (yes its been more than a month! haha) with a specific person in mind. However that one drifted and gone with the wind (although I'm not really that sure if I would give or had the intention of giving this letter to him--we will never know now, do we?!? hehe).

I tweak the original letter coz that isn't already applicable now...but the essence is there, I think. (yup everything is a bit incoherent --SORRY!-- I am under the influence of too much caffeine today--two cups of coffee and 2 cans of soda---so, forgive me! My mind is in the clouds)

Dear love, 

('naks ang sweet! hehehe but I meant love in general, the love that is destined for me--ayun un e!haha)

This was never expected. The feeling was a surprise even to myself. But I couldn't deny it.

Its the smile that you brought to my lips. The butterflies in my stomach. The yearning to know you more and share with you more.

I have this desire to know you, despite knowing that I cannot really, fully know you. Still I'd like to try.

I want to know what makes you smile or laugh--and the different kinds of smiles and laughters you have. What pisses you off and how far your patience go?

How do you handle stress? Are you hot tempered? Do you tend to shout your opinions or keep it inside?

I'd like to get a glimpse of your past. Not to judge you by them but to appreciate the person that you have become now because of them.

I want you to want to share with me your goals, priorities and how you envision your future. What scares you?

I want to be able to tell you how my day was and not just the standard "great" "alright" and "fine".  I want us to share... happy memories, secrets and even burdens and worries.

I want to be able to run to you when something big happens or when someone pissed me off, not because you have the answers/solutions to my problems nor could fight my battles for me....but because you got the shoulders I could lean on when I am at my weakest and arms that could envelop me in a secure and warm embrace.

I want to become your friend, more than anything. I think that's why it's termed boyFRIEND/girlFRIEND. The aim really is to become good, good (even best) friends with each other.

Friends are for keeps... I share fun with them, adventure, try new things, explore different places and even try each other's patience.

Friendship (atleast for me) is not a fleeting thing.
Not a temporary affliction.

You know that thing, when friends look at each other from across the room, and they know... they know what the other one feels or trying to say. 
It's that single crooked smile that shows a hurting heart.
A single glance that means a fulfilled spirit.
No need for words.
No need for affirmation.
Coz the mere presence spoke a thousand words...more than enough to be felt by the heart.

I know that we are not the weight of all our memories
I believe in the things that I am afraid to say

Hold on, hold on
I believe in the lost possibilities you can see 
And I believe that the darkness reminds us where light can be

I believe that tomorrow is stronger than yesterday
And I believe that your head is the only thing in your way
I wish that you could see your scars turn into beauty
I believe that today it’s okay to be not okay

Yun lang. :)

Good night universe (and please paki bulong kay heaven to conspire, pretty please with batting of eyelashes--if that works!)


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