
Sunday, April 5, 2015

ripples of love

This morning I found myself
saying something along these lines...
"I'm not rooting for love anymore.
Maybe it's not for me.
Maybe it's for someone else,
But not me."

Then my friend reminded me of a letter I gave her many years back when she was first heartbroken, it goes like...

"Love is a miracle. 
And when you love, you love because you do and without any expectations of being loved in return. 
Now, if the one you love happens to love you back, 
there lies the miracle. 
Because despite your flaws and imperfections, despite the countless other people in the world, you happen to chance upon love with each other
...that's miracle in itself. 

If the one you love don't love you back, 
then love becomes a gift. 
A gift you give to the universe. 
Freely given. 
Somehow that love will find its way back to you, 
in some ways, in some form, 
maybe in some other person. 
So never get tired of sending ripples of love. 
It will find its way back"

Wow!!! I got reminded by myself! Cool right?
A ripple on its own. :)
I have forgotten I believe in ripples.

Nice right?!?
Maybe now if I continue to root for love
love will find its way back to me.
Woohooo! hehehe

walang connect sa mga sinabi ko sa taas

Sending ripples of good vibes muna,

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