
Monday, July 18, 2016

internet musings....

A lot of people (I, included!) live on the internet.

I know a lot whose daily lives are glued infront of the computer or their smartphones,
day in and day out.

I, for one, make it a conscious effort to deactivate my life on the net (at least for a day....or so.... or for how long I can take it---AND ITS HARDDDDDD!) and re-activate my life with the ACTUAL LIVING INDIVIDUALS.

I know, these days, you can do practically everything online--work, order food, buy clothes, pay bills even date online. But all these leave behind human interaction. The actual touch of live human being...that no amount of virtual hullabaloo can replace. Nothing can replace that feeling of experiencing things first hand... to actually experience being in a new place without knowing anyone. Appreciating the beauty of nature right infront of not just through google.

Find it a waste of time and opportunity to explore the world and uncover the limits of our potentials.

...just thoughts


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