
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Prettytwistedchick's Learnings @ this age ha!

Because I celebrated my "mmmppth" birthday yesterday...and I hope that I learned something for the last few are some of my musings... hahaha 

  • LOVE YOURSELF. For who else will? How do you expect others to love you when you yourself don’t? Remember we send out ripples of energy….one of them is the energy of love. You send out love and it will go right back at you. As Alicia Keys said, what goes around comes around. Ha! :P DON’T BELITTLE YOURSELF. Acknowledge your skills/achievements but don’t be a brag. You are not the only one “skilled” or “great” in this world. Be humble. BODY IMAGE. What matters is not what others perceive you, but how you look and carry yourself. One day you’ll look back and think that you were not as fat as you thought you were. Don’t rely your self-image on what others say that you aare…whether skinny or fat. Your “roundness” or “skinniness” do not define you. In the end, all that matters is how you feel about yourself….and that you’re healthy. Health is wealth they say and they are correct! Take care of your health. HONOR YOUR BODY. I’m not saying you have to remain “pure” at a certain age. Not saying be a slut too. Whether you choose one or the other, is totally your call. What I’m saying is respect your body enough that you choose the people who will have the privilege of enjoying/facing/experiencing it.

  • WE MAKE RIPPLES. Remember your actions affect others... no matter how small you think they are. So throw away some ripples of positivity and good vibes. As one of the commandments say: “Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.” For sure, the universe will find a way for it to come right back at you. BE ENVIRONMENTALLY CONCIOUS. You might not be aware of it but your lack of concern on the environment will affect someone from the other part of the world. We only have one Earth to live in (as of the moment until and unless another planet is proven otherwise), do you part in creating a lasting home not just for us but for all living things.

  • HONOR YOUR PARENTS. They’ve been through a lot…most of it includes raising YOU! By parents, I meant the ones who raised you…not your egg cell and sperm cell donors. (just saying ha!)

  • MUST HAVE A SOLID GROUP OF FRIENDS. There are things in life that you cannot share with your family, that is when friends step in. You must remember to build significant, valued group of friends. Growing up my mom used to say to me “choose your friends wisely, because I will not always be there with you. Some friends will lead you to harm, some will lead you to good things, know the difference.” You must recognize those group of friends who will be stick with you through thick and thin. Surround yourself with people who will lift you higher.

  • RESPECT. Respect is just what we all need for lesser conflict. You may not agree with how others deal, live, do their lives but you should learn to respect it as it is their lives. Respect other people’s viewpoints, culture and faith...they are entitled to it and so are you.

  • TREAT EVERYONE RIGHT. It shows a lot about your character how you deal with people whether they are in the lower or upper bracket of the social class; book smart or street-smart; and/or physically abled or challenged. It’s not their status in life that is being reflected by doing so, it’s yours. Always exercise empathy. BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHER PEOPLE. We’re all dealing with different problems, not because it doesn’t show in their demeanor does not mean they don’t have problems. They might just be good at handling them than you do.

  • TRAVEL. One of the best medium for personal growth and development is to see the world as it is. It is good to have your horizon expand at an early age. The world is big and we are just a small part of it. It is amazing to see how great and diverse our world is. The world may be big, but Philippines is home. The Philippines is rich in culture and history, it’s a shame when you’ve been through a lot of countries and haven’t explored our own country. It’s a plus that there are 7,107 islands… KNOW AND BUILD YOUR HOME. Home may be a physical structure that you'll keep on returning to after so many may also be just one person (or group of people). Nurture your home. Build a solid indestructible foundation.

  • READ! It’s an adventure without leaving your sit. It’s an education in itself. It will broaden your knowledge on a lot of things. Do everything that you think will enrich you as a person and will make you a better human being…emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and even physically.

  • TRUST GOD. Or whoever higher being you believe in…you are a part of a greater scheme of things. Your mere existence is a great proof and a by-product of that scheme.

  • TAKE RISKS. If I were younger, I’d advice myself this… loosen up and to stop being afraid of failure and of being hurt. Do not be afraid to fail, it will make you stronger and wiser. Your failures will give you a perspective of your limitations. Don’t be afraid to test those limitations. You may not have the strength, the capability to take risks for so long… better to take advantage of your youth, your innocence, your vigor to try something new. You will discover more about yourself, your life and your world as a result. The next life-changing decision/goal/pathway/mission is always borne out of trying something new. BE BRAVE. BE BOLD. MAKE MISTAKES. Do not be afraid to fall, for surely, you will rise again. The trick is to always rise and never stay fallen otherwise you are susceptible to being stepped on by others. Rise, always rise. Remember that when you are down, there is nowhere to go but up.

  • PURSUE YOUR PASSION. Your passion is the thing that will give meaning to your life and add value to it. LOVE WHAT YOU DO. It’s what will drive you to getting out of bed in the morning even if there are thunder storms, floods, and heavy traffic everywhere. If you don't love what you do and is just doing a job, you will not find meaning to what you are doing. This will make you want to stay home, in bed and slack off even the sun shiniest of days. Because if you love what you do, you will keep on moving forward…it’s not work, it’s life.

  • LIVE IN THE PRESENT. Each day is a choice. The actions you choose will send ripples of effect to your future. Let your past remain as a learning experience. Don’t dwell on it too much since it can no longer be undone. But don’t forget to learn from it so you will not keep on wasting your energy and time making the same mistakes. Let your future be a blurry image, that you can still mold it on what you want it to be. Let it be a vague idea of what you want it to be but let it not consume you that you forget to live your life. And let your present be unequivocally clear. May you be aware of every action you take, enjoy life as it should be cherished, make mistakes, have fun, be brave. EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS TEMPORARY. Don’t dwell too much on what is hurting you now or the problems of today. Relax, it’s not going to last long! Ha!

  • MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS. Expectations lead to disappointments. To avoid being disappointed, have realistic expectations. You can’t expect change if you keep on doing the same thing.

  • STOP THE COMPARISON. Don’t compare your life to others. Your idea of success is (or maybe?) different from others. You might think that other people are successful but they might not feel the same. In the end, being envious will destroy your joy and stray your attention from appreciating what is in front of you and your blessings. FOCUS ON THE GOOD. Stop looking for something you don’t have but count the things that you do have. Blessings come in different shapes, forms and sizes.

  • ALWAYS FORGIVE. But never forget. Don’t burden yourself with a lot of hatred in your heart. It will weigh you down. Learn. Move on.

  • HAVE FUN, SMILE DON’T BE TOO SERIOUS. Bugs Bunny is wise when he say that nobody gets out of this so-called life, alive. LIVE!


  • LASTLY, LOVE. It is life’s greatest adventure. Better if you find it, then sustain it and it lasts. But there is no guarantee. You might get hurt. You might not get your happy ending. But it is still one heck of an experience… the reason for living. Always remember that love is a commitment. You don't let go the first sign of trouble. Go back to the day you fell in love and why you committed yourself to that person. Fight for love. Don't give up easily.


Monday, February 27, 2017

music... it speaks!!!!

Pasensya na, kung papatulugin na muna
Ang pusong napagod kakahintay
Kaya sa natitirang segundong kayakap ka
Maaari bang magkunwaring akin ka pa

Isusuko na ang sandata aatras na sa laban
Di dahil naduduwag kundi dahil mahal kita
Mahirap nang labanan mga espada ng orasan
Kung pipilitin pa, lalo lang masasaktan

Yep, I think I'm having some pre-birthday blues.... dammmmn! :'(

prettytwistedchick turns a year older in two days shet!

Friday, January 6, 2017 speaks!!!!

Yeah, we swore on that night
We'd be friends 'til we died
But the changing of winds
And the way waters flow
Life as short as the falling of snow
And now I'm gonna miss you, I know

What I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
Yeah, I live for this feeling, this everglow


Friday, November 25, 2016

music... it speaks!!!

I met you in the dark
You lit me up
You made me feel as though
I was enough

I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I knew I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go

its raining outside 
(cuddle weather)
and its US Thanksgiving 
thankful for everything in life

have a blessed day everyone!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016


yep, still here...
just trying to exist! ha!


Friday, August 19, 2016 speaks!!!

God knows I try to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I can't understand
I'll take the pain
Give me the truth
Me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her
I'm happy for you

shet! (how do I insert a crying emoji here?!?)

stay cool everyone!


Monday, July 18, 2016

internet musings....

A lot of people (I, included!) live on the internet.

I know a lot whose daily lives are glued infront of the computer or their smartphones,
day in and day out.

I, for one, make it a conscious effort to deactivate my life on the net (at least for a day....or so.... or for how long I can take it---AND ITS HARDDDDDD!) and re-activate my life with the ACTUAL LIVING INDIVIDUALS.

I know, these days, you can do practically everything online--work, order food, buy clothes, pay bills even date online. But all these leave behind human interaction. The actual touch of live human being...that no amount of virtual hullabaloo can replace. Nothing can replace that feeling of experiencing things first hand... to actually experience being in a new place without knowing anyone. Appreciating the beauty of nature right infront of not just through google.

Find it a waste of time and opportunity to explore the world and uncover the limits of our potentials.

...just thoughts


Sunday, July 10, 2016 speaks!!!!

If we would try again
Just remember when
Before we were lovers I swear we were friends

Friday, July 8, 2016 speaks!!!!

But we know this.
We got a love that is hopeless

I'm yours....

Because its raining outside 
and its cuddle-weather... :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 speaks!!!!

Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?

It's a bad idea to listen to Adele on a gloomy 

morning and its supposed to be a happy day

coz its a holiday... no work and its 

Wednesday! But memories come pouring in

as Adele's voice is in the background. Ha!

SMH (yep, I'm using those acronyms stuff 

now hehehe)

Anyway, I'm obsessed with Adele's 25 album 

right now (don't ask me why....I may be me or 

closet masochist!hahaha)

My faves right now is the Sweetest Devotion, 

When We Were Young, All I ask and Send my 

Love (to your new lover)...

Thinking my next  all-day-all-week album to 

listen to should be Stone Temple Pilots. 


just checking in...
