
Monday, August 23, 2010


the influx of things that i wanna do suddenly overwhelmed me.

you see, i have TONS of things in my to-do-list that i've put on hold ever since i went to law school. i was under the impression back then that i have all the time in the world to do all those stuffs after i graduated, pass the bar, become a successful lawyer and a happy home-maker.

(bah! none of those things happened--well except for the graduating part--it did occur! i really have an LLB after my name. but as for the rest, im still slowly trying to attain each goal one day at a time. taking things my way, for a change!)

as i have experienced, plans have a way of changing. priorities have a way of re-arranging. goals were set and re-set. if i follow my initial plan, i'd still be stuck on the first one and that's it.

now (finally!) life is catching up on me...its as if im on a race with time! so many things i needed to do, so little time left (or so, i feel!)

i have a lot of things that i want and NEEDED to do... and sometimes these things overwhelm me, just like now.

here are some of my to-do-list:

1) TRAVEL. i've been slowly but surely on my way to achieving this goal. it sure helped that i'm working now so i have money to spend. traveling aint cheap (even if you try to get all those promo fares and cheap hotels) you still need to shell out some doughs!

2) BAKING. eversince i baked food for the gods back when i was second year in high school. i knew i wanted to do baking. i told myself that baking is in my blood just because my granpa was a baker (hopefully, i will live up to his name and not ruin it!hehe) i've been tinkering with things in our kitchen these past few weeks making cheesecakes, pies and flans. i also intend on attending short baking courses. in fact, i have three baking courses lined next month! (i really REALLY hope i can attend all three! yey!)

3) PLAYING GUITAR. i wanted to learn how to play. i had my first guitar when i was in grade 6 but only learned a few chords...eventually i have forgotten them! i've had 3 guitars all-in-all in my entire life but most of them were borrowed, got destroyed and never found their way back to me. for more than three weeks now, i've been having a free online guitar tutorial (via youtube) and i now know how to play terrified by kara dioguardi (i shall post this conquest once i have a guitar!). yesterday i was really REALLY trying to negotiate with myself into buying one--i've been using my nephews and now that he's not around i have no guitar to play with! darn! i need a budget for this. not really too expensive since i'me still a newbie!

4) LEARN GERMAN LANGUAGE. why german language you might ask, this is because most of my uber "close" relatives are based in germany. i have cousins, aunts, uncle, nephew and other distant relatives there who somehow managed to build a family with a german, czeck and other european nationals hehehe. and most of them ONLY speak german, although my cousin and aunt speaks filipino, waray and english and my nephew understand filipino and english, it is still hard to communicate with them (the young ones i mean) especially when they come over and visit philippines. plus i intend to visit them one of these years, thats why the need to know the language! hahaha

5) LEARN SPANISH OR FRENCH LANGUAGE. unlike german language where i see the "NEED" to learn it by heart, these two languages i would love to learn solely because they intrigued me. learning french and/or spanish would definitely feed my romantic side because i find those languages utterly romantic! :D

6) PHOTOGRAPHY. i just need a GREAT camera and i'd be fine. im not really into those ISO or apperture thingy. i just want to capture life on film! i've been doing that but a great picture sometimes means an expensive gadget!

7) ART LESSONS. i shall be posting my works of "art" sometime in the next few blogs, just so you have an idea of what i do in my sparest of time. hehehe. i have no formal training hence the desire to have one! :D doodling, sketching soothes me and calms me... gives me a much neede break from harsh realities and crazy schedules!

8) GET A SPORT. i am not a sporty person, but that doesnt mean i dont want to try... i want to try tennis since we already have rackets (my dad used to play tennis as a hobby) .

9) BE PHYSICALLY FIT. i know i need to keep my schedules in order and find time to improve myself. i plan on solving this pretty soon! atleast i have those once-in-a-blue-moon yoga thingy! hehehe

there are so many things more i needed to accomplish...and these are just the ones on top of my head... cant wait to see them all done and experience them all! yey!

eager yet overwhelmed,


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