
Thursday, August 26, 2010

wedding coordinator by accident

never in my entire life did i thought of becoming a wedding coordinator. sure, i've seen jlo's flick the wedding planner and loved it. sure i've been to weddings (as guest, bridesmaid, flowergirl, offeror) and loved it as well. but to take on the full responsibility of coordinating a wedding?!?--nah, never crossed my mind at all!

then one day, Tato, my friend-officemate-seatmate said that he and his fiancee is looking for a wedding coordinator for their upcoming wedding. however most of those he inquired cost uber expensive for a one-day "coordinating" thingamajig. then Posh, another friend-officemate-seatmate, (can you picture our seating arrangement?? i'm seated in between them ) volunteered to do the "coordinating" thing, to my surprise, I’M AN INCLUDED volunteer!

it was Posh who went to the initial sort of meeting, to sort of get acquainted--although we already knew the bride since she was our former officemate too. they discussed the wedding, the planning and all those in-betweens. they were the ones who communicate with each other regarding details of the wedding. my role, I ASSUME, is just to assist, follow up, remind. (i hope!)

then the other day, Tato said that we will visit the venue to check on things--confirm whatever needed to confirm and ask questions and to see what else the couple needs to accomplish. (note: their wedding day is less than 3months away!).

yesterday we went to to manila polo club--the couple's wedding venue. i took the liberty of taking pictures of the main lounge, where the actual wedding rites/ceremony/vow will take place as well as the reception itself.

good thing the main lounge was being decorated for that afternoon's event... hence we had an idea as to how the place will look like on the actual wedding date.

here are the pics...

panoramic shot of Manila Polo Club's Main Lounge

viewed in another angle

the entrance

where the guests will be welcomed

amateur ASSISTANT wedding coordinator,

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