
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

korean ice cream---a real treat!

hello, i'm tim and i'm a koreanovela fanatic. (after reading, shove this information to the corners of your mind hehe) i should point out though that despite me liking koreanovelas (ok, lets add taiwanese novelas here as well) i am not into the whole realm of Kpop. (kpop meaning korean popular music) yes, i do listen to some kpop music but not really an avid listener.

koreanovelas are entirely different matter. koreanovelas i LOVE! korean actors (well most of them anyway) ILOOOOVE TOO!

so imagine my surprise when i was walking along rufino ave and saw a store that sells korean ice cream! i hear bells ringing *TING! TING! TING!* ice cream anyone?!?* but since im not that "crazy" about ice cream (at that time--i dunno why--weird me i guess!) i forgo the option of buying and set it aside for another day.

then yesterday, for some reason, i found myself binging from chocolates to salty potato chips, in short junk foods... and out of nowhere posh had the sudden urge to buy korean ice cream and i (naturally!) agreed and joined her...

while in the store, i was looking for that fish-looking korean ice cream that i saw from one of the foodblogs i've been stalking. unfortunately, to my dismay, the store was out of stock with that one. so, i decided to copy my friend's order since she's more familiar with all the korean ice cream flavors. plus one of the ice creams i saw was similar to that of our very own Pinipig ice cream on stick (am i just making this up, i dunno what the name of the ice cream, darn!)... so i opted for the ice sandwich cheese cake *whew!* i figured, i loved cream cheese so it must be good on ice creams too! (does my logic make sense? well, it does to me! hehe)

my ice sandwich with cheese cake! i took this while walking back to office coz i was THAT excited!

as i was headed back to office, i felt as if i'm re-living one of those koreanovelas i've seen! twas such a nice feeling... the feeling of anticipation and happiness. i took some snapshots from my phone of the infamous korean ice cream. amazing how this small-sized indulgence gives a person a second (or two) of happiness and contentment.

(...or i think i'm just THAT shallow, because i find joy in little things!)

ice cream on my table, such a delightful sight!

want some? yummy looking, is it not?!?

Anyhow, the much anticipated event happened. I ATE THE ICE CREAM! (what else would be the much-anticipated event than that?!?)

dang! this was gooooood!
i can just hear those voice over in commercials "soft...creamy...cheesy!"

the ice cream really melts in your mouth..REALLY!!! I'm usually not a good ice cream eater (especially if its in cone or hand-held popsicle) because after about 5-10 minutes, the ice cream will be gone and half of it will be on my hands, my shirt or the ground!!! But this one, surprisingly went all in my mouth down to my tummy-bulge! Yes, i think anoother pound is added to that darn weighing scale!

The sandwich was so errr...soft (for lack of a better word to describe it!) its like eating cotton candy, it vanishes in your mouth the moment you bite into it. I tell you, its like biting into clouds! yum-oh!

isnt she (yes i "gendered" it a SHE!) wonderfully amazing?!?

i shall definitely try another flavor again. my friends even suggested a couple of flavors when i posted this pic on my facebook account. yey, another reason to indulge myself with creamy treats! (excuses, excuses! *grin*)



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