
Sunday, November 28, 2010

fun, food, family

Today, I called for a family get-together.

third generation: my nephew and nieces

Note however that when I say family, its not just your typical mother, father, children set-up-kinda-family… it is more likely inclusive of aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews—maternal side. I’m not really that close with my relatives from my father’s side as growing up I only see them during my grandparents’ birthdays and when they died, during all soul’s day when we visit the cemetery. On the other hand, I practically grew up living with my cousins and aunts (sisters of my mom). We are soooo close that my aunts have been, at one time or another, a surrogate mom for me and my bro whenever my mom is in the province, at the hospital or just doing some errands AND also sometimes my cousins don’t feel like cousins to me but more like my younger siblings (my brother and I are one of the “oldies” in our generation)and that I try to look after them as much as I could.
typical scenario: my two nieces fighting underneath the Christmas tree

Prior today, I planned on giving a treat on a restaurant BUT knowing how LOUD and HUGE (and sometimes rowdy with little kids running around) my family is, I’m sure that it’s close to almost closing the restaurant for a private affair if I indeed go with that plan! So added with a pretty tight budget, I decided to do it at home.

My treat isn’t really something fancy…just a couple of pizzas and pasta. Some of you (especially my friends) might wonder why the need to call for a family get-tog when almost every other week they come over our place.

(brief preview for those who don’t know my family: every other week my aunt and cousins from Laguna spend the weekend with us and sometimes one or two or ALL of my aunts (from Fairview and all the way from Cavite) PLUS cousins PLUS nieces will drop by during that time…added by the fact that every now and then a cousin or two will spend the night over our house.)

The need to call for a get-tog is because I wanted ALL of them in attendance—all three of my close (in distance) aunts with their respective families.
Our house isn’t big by any chance but it somehow became the perfect gathering spot of the whole family. I always love that about our home. Growing up, our home has always been filled with laughters before, during and after a meal, shrieks and cries of the little ones, songs while singing karaoke and loud voices while telling a story, debating on past, current and sometimes fictional issues. My dad will often remark “Andyan na naman ang mga Bisaya” (“There goes the Bisayas again”) when he hears my aunts and mom talk as they gather around and with loud voices as if an argument is going on—nope, those were only their speaking voices…imagine if they shout! Hehehe
I digress again…as always!

My treat isn’t really big, I just got my paycheck from the last company I worked with. Naturally I gave more than half of it to my mom. Then I decided I want to treat my whole family…one or two cousins have probably experienced my out-of-the-blue invitation for a dinner/coffee/movie date this past week alone but this time around, I wanted to share the blessing with the whole family.
food #1: 2 boxes of 20in. JUGNOS MONSTER PIZZA
food#2: 1 big plate of AMBER'S SPAGHETTI W/ MEATSAUCE

My family isn’t really interested in gourmet meals…if that is being served fine with them but if it’s just a regular burger with fries, same appreciation will be given.
my cousin trying to illustrate how big the pizza was

Did I mentioned I have a big family—mother’s side alone! To give you an idea, the ones in attendance for today’s get-tog are: three aunts, ten cousins, three nieces, two nephews, five friends, my dad, mom, brother, sister-in-law and me…TWENTY-EIGHT (28) people all-in-all (there were three aunts and their families absent today)! And we all shared 2 boxes of 20inches, four flavored each, party-size cut (42 pieces per box) JUGNOS MONSTER PIZZA, one big plate of AMBER’S SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCE, and 8 liters of cola!
frontliners...BEFORE the attack! notice they are MOSTLY ladies
about 2 minutes after opening the boxes
food...more food!
look for your own place to eat: my cousins found the staircase!
20 minutes after: like i told a friend, food in our house vanish like magic...
one minute they're all there, the next minute *poof!* they're GONE!!!

Even now I’m amazed at how those food were shared by twenty eight people (okay make it twenty seven, given that one of those peeps is less than a year old)!

It’s the actual sharing of food that is a remarkable experience. The conversations, the laughters, the craziness of it all are actually what I sometimes miss the most…that’s partly the reason why I called this get-tog. Too bad not all of them came on time, I called for a 2.30-3pm get-tog (just in time for merienda!).

Just the same, the food, the conversations AND the company were great!
amidst the chaos, our cat Oliver slept through it all!


My mom used to say to me that food becomes tastier and more filling—despite how small in quantity the food is served—if it is shared by the people that share love for each other. I couldn't agree more!
my very happy niece...
and the equally happy ME... :D

Bon appétit!
:D prettytwistedchick

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