
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

day of pampering

Last weekend, I was supposed to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows but my movie-partner backed out last minute—leaving me all alone. I could watch a movie by myself, as I have done in the past, but I just don’t feel up to it. Thus as I was strolling along the mall doing nothing I’ve decided to go home. It’s a bit early (by anyone’s standard) around 1(pm)ish and I don’t want to spend the rest of the day watching tv or be infront of the computer. So I looked for places for me to “kill” time.

Then I saw this quaint little spa and I thought my toes are up for their scheduled pedicure.

The spa is called Pinoy Spa—naks! So nationalistic! Hehehe

I just love the ambiance of the spa…clean, slick and has a traditional “pinoy” feel with the bamboo-covered pillars and wicker chairs—making one feel in union with nature!

I was looking at my nails—fingernails—and said (to myself) that it’s been awhile since I last had a manicure.

While my toes have a regular “bi-monthly scheduled” pedicure, the only maintenance my nails have are its weekly trimming—I cant maintain long nails as I write a lot (on PAPER—yes I’m old school! And before some environmental activist protest, I use recycled paper. GO GREEN!) plus, my hands get a little bit busy with me tinkering just about anything...from crafts to home-repair—sort of! The few times I have long nails are when I have to attend an event and I want to feel “girly-girl” with a French manicure or a sultry red fingernails screaming *RAWR!* hehehe

So I said to the receptionist I’ll have a “mani and a pedi please! “. With those service only cost around 189Php, it aint bad right?!? (BUT the frugal in me wants to find a manicure and pedicure service that only cost less than a 100bucks!—is there such a place?!? Tell me where! hehehe) Oh well, I paid with whole 500 bucks and the receptionist told me to wait for my change.

While waiting, I was looking at the “packages” the spa offers. Later on, my bad mathematical skills lead me to having package #11 instead of the typical manicure and pedicure (which I originally planned).

It all started this way. As I’ve said I busy was looking over the “packages” offered while waiting for my change AND the person who will do my nails. Then I chance upon “package 11” and it stated that manicure, pedicure and foot spa only cost 339Php. In my mind, (lemme reiterate that when it comes to math—all numbers get jumbled and I get confuse rather easily even with the simplest addition and subtraction) my original manicure and pedicure costs 189 Php but my semi-twisted mind perceived it as 289Php hence when I saw the ad with a foot spa for 339Php, I thought “WOW! Foot spa only costs 50 bucks?!?” So I immediately told the receptionist that I will upgrade my salon service to package 11. YES, I’m dumb with numbers! Only later on while I was in a much “clearer” state of mind did I realized that the whole foot spa experience actually cost me 150Php and not 50Php.
my feet's version of bubble bath! hee hee hee

So on to the foot spa. First, my feet were soaked in warm soapy water for quite awhile. They said that the purpose is to soften my skin. Whatever that is!
silence... manicure is going on!
While my feet are soaking, my hands got the attention. I have pretty short, well-trimmed nails, so it didn’t take too much time before they are done. (I always bring my very own nail polish with me since my type of “red” nail polish is hard to find. I tend to be picky with the “exact” redness of the polish!)
all done! lo0veeeeet!!

After my manicure, my feet got some serious scrubbing! I tell you, my feet experienced major scrubbing that could last a lifetime! It’s my first time to have a foot spa since I don’t usually have THAT much time to spare. I thought I’d spend the whole experience laughing as I am pretty ticklish kinda gal, but to my surprised, I was relaxed, calm and continued reading my book, as if nothing out of the blue is happening. hehehe

scrub scrub scrub...yep i have ginormous legs, tseh! :P

Then my feet and legs were scrubbed with milk salt and oil extract. I must say I loved it!!! It was cool! I’m thinking of doing an experiment at home using rock salt, milk and oil—I wonder if I’ll have just as cool experience as this one….we’ll soon find out, I guess! Tee hee hee

look, i even had time to read! yey!

After the whole scrubbing experience, my legs and feet got a much needed massage! My most favorite part of the day. I guess, my money’s worth boils down to this part alone! My feet are aching these past few days as I have been walking in heels all around the city. I tell you, walking is good—it’s a great exercise if one doesn’t have time to go to the gym. Good cardio! On the other hand, wearing heels is pretty nice too, especially in a corporate set-up, wearing heels is sort of an expression of one’s feminine side amidst the testosterone-filled offices, and somewhat serious corporate attires. BUT walking and wearing heels at the same time is a complete TORTURE!!! How many times have I almost walked barefoot because I thought that all my energy has been exerted and all my strength has been drained by those cruel stiletto heels! ayayay!

Anyhow, after my massage, I had my pedicure. I’ve always believe that if a person takes the time to clean his/her toenails (even if most of the time it’ll be covered by shoes) then that person must be clean in other aspect of his life—room, self-grooming, character etc. Well, that was just a thought!

pedicure... :D

Overall, my day was spent with me pampering my important-yet-often-ignored-body parts! It was nice to have that day…wished I was with my friends or my mom!

one happy feet!!! :D

Until my next visit to the spa…all dolled up—hands and feet that is!

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