
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

daily walks, tidbits of thoughts...#1

i love to walk...long walks.

i think thats the only form of "exercise" i get to do, EVERYDAY.

i like it simply because i love to observe people, appreaciate the views...
...and mostly i love it because when i take my long walks, that's the time i get to think things through--long and hard.

[side-note: my (now deceased) tita, once saw me walking in a mall near our place. she later told my mom that when she saw me, she started to smile at me since i was walking towards her, thinking i'd smile in return. then much to her surprised, i walked passed her, without even a nod to acknowledge her existence. i just learned ALL about the whole thing when i came home that day and my mom told me about it. i swear, i didn't notice her at all!--that is how i am sometimes... especially when i am quite engrossed with my thoughts. i tend to get lost in it while i do my daily walks.]

so now, i've decided, why not try to share to the whole universe--well, cyberworld that is--tidbits of my sometimes crazy, sometimes absurd, and sometimes sane thoughts during my so-called "walks". (what the heck, right?!?)

my thoughts for today---uhmmm, i forgot due to the long introduction! hehehehe

seriously, here are my thoughts:

you know what's nice about the whole relationship thing? its not actually the whole having a "relationship" that sometimes you missed the most when you're not in one. more often than not, the nicer parts are those "kilig" moments, especially when one relationship is just about to start or have just started. those are the moments when you feel your heart fluttering (if only it has wings!). you know, that moments when its as if your heart will explode from too much happiness?

sometimes those moments are crazy as well, coz at the back of your mind, the fear that, THAT moment of extreme happiness will end anytime soon... ayayay *sigh*

somehow, if one has been in a relationship long enough, partners tend to lose those "kilig" moments. probably because they've already gotten used to each other. maybe due to familiarity with each other, one might tend to think that some things are already considered "given" when in a relationship. a surprise here, a sweet gesture there has become a sort of remote, often-out-of-the-blue possibility.

is there an apt English translation for the word "kilig"? hmmm, i think the closest English words to describe it are "butterflies in your stomach".

whenever i try to reminisce my "almost but not quite" romances (sablay pala hehehe), all i can remember are the fun parts--the "kilig" moments. such a nice feeling, noh?!?

those were the good times.

i like those days... i want those days, again! hehe

so if you're in that stage in you lives where "kilig" moments are still ongoing--savor the moments! coz no matter what happens in the future, whether you end up together or not, you'll look back at those days..those moments with a smile plastered on your face!

better yet fan the flame to make it alive again...bring back those "kilig" moments!


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