
Friday, December 31, 2010

december 2010 activities


December has been a very busy month for me... i didnt had the time to sit down, collect my thoughts and put them all in writing....OR better yet stop and smell the roses...

but it was a good kind of busy! so many fun activities, so many memorable things happening, i felt as if i was a social butterfly! hahaha from someone who is comfortable with staying at home or an intimate get-together over coffee or dinner, last december was truly a different one!

things i were busy with were as follows:

1) panic-buying of gifts

i remember that i only had about 3 days left before christmas and my presents for peeps were only 50% done! i blame it all in my undecisiveness when looking for the "perfect" gift.. at the back of my mind, everything i saw was not good enough for my friends and family... there were 2 weekends when i planned on buying gifts but i ended up buying one for myself, darn! hehe

whew...i made it!
2)my niece's 3rd birthday

i was in charge of the cake... i looooveeet! its princess-themed birthday apt for our very own princess..

the happy birthday girl!

blowing her birthday candle

participating in the whole thingimajig
3)misa de gallo

when december 16 started, my 3.30am wake up call (uhhmmm ALARM, in my case) also started. i had to get ready early as i have work after the 4.30am mass. this misa de gallo (simbang gabi) has been a tradition of my mom and i ever since i was a little girl..:D it was soooo nice!

4)christmas parties

there were a LOT of christmas parties to go to, i remember from friday night until wednesday night (i think that was december 23) i had one or two parties to go to per night! i was truly exhausted, that i spent my lunch breaks snoozing just to catch some sleep

5)seminars i have to attend.

i dunno about my office, but it seems that there were a lot of seminars scheduled for this month! from wellness to making lotions, hand sanitizers and massage oil and even franchising seminars!... whew!

hand-lotion making

massage oil making

hand sanitizer-making

6)grocery-shopping and making sweets

i have no idea how tiring it was to do the grocery and make some cheesecakes and pies... haaaay! but i sure fed not just my sweet-tooth but others as well! hehehe

banoffee pie for Christmas

blueberry cheesecake for New Year

7) family-bonding.

december 24 and 25 were reserved for my family... bonding with all of them... a bit rowdy but it was sure fun!

some of my family members (emphasis on SOME)

me and my cousins
8)tita-niece boding

its rare that i get to spend time alone with my one and only, uber cute niece. that's why days ahead, i asked permission from her parents if we could spend december 27 together. i brought her to the mall, then we went and see some dolphins and lions, i (naturally) took a lot of her pics, then we ate some dinner. (note: my niece is 3 years old) by the time i hailed a cab for us to go home, she was already too tired. she fell asleep inside the cab but was not able to forget to grab her inflatable dolphin, i bought her.

my happy niece

cutie-lovey-dovey dolphins

we got stamped! :D

haggard, right?!? :D

9) get-together with friends

i had a LOT of get-togs to go to (and attended) this month! plus a lot of weddings!!!! i cant believe how many friends and former classmates of mine who were married for the month of december alone... what the heck?!? (sorry naman, bitter ang lovelife!hahaha)

10) i bought my guitar

i named her Pilar...its Pulse (the brand) and guitar combined. that's why i'm having a hard time following the guitar for beginners dvd i bought. sooner or later, i shall prevail! hahaha

meet Pilar... :D

11) i'm thinking of getting into "wellness"

broad as it may seem, i have no definite wellness planned for me yet! (wish me luck!). this is in preparation for my 30th BIRTHDAY! :D

im grateful for these things, despite my busy sched..i'm truly happy

2010 has been super good to me...i just hope and pray 2011 would be better!
i'm claiming 2011 as MY YEAR! :D

happy 2011 to all of us... may this year be BETTER than the last!


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