
Sunday, September 25, 2011

switching to mac

I was never a"techie" person... if there's one thing that i'm known for is brand loyalty :D

so switching to mac after loooooooooong years of being "windows"-attached person has been a grueling and very time-consuming decision-making of my life.

MAGI, my first PC

I bought my first pc in 2006 (and it was second-hand) from my hard-earned first paycheck haha. I named my pc MAGI... and we had a sturdy relationship. until now, i still can't let go of it. i haven't transferred any files and i'm planning on doing that probably in one of the following weekends. MAGI has stored a lot of memories and it pained me to see him die a natural death... :/

so now, on with a mac.

very very nice box!

You see, I've never owned a mac (apple) iPod, no itouch, no iPad, no mac-anything.
so after 6 months of intense pondering, i finally gave in. A week ago, I bought my first-ever apple product--MACBOOK AIR! Yey! :D (I'd like to thank my dad for the added support *wink wink*)

I find that windows and mac are different bananas altogether... now I'm still grasping my way throughout the mac world... I find that its not that big of a deal after all. Its not THAT tough to have the switch. 

Its the same with anything that is new...takes awhile of getting used to.

meet POLLY (from "apple")

I am now building my "relationship" with apple products... Polly (the name of my new macbook), please don't you dare fail me. I have so many plans of furthering my relationship with apple for the coming years... take note, there's a rumor that iphone5 will be launch sometime in October. so please, Polly, lets make this one great apple experience for me hehehehe

So good! its pretty easy. I am now trying to figure out using open office. I don't want to buy the office apps for mac because I want to make it an ultimate mac experience. Although my mac-dealer kept on telling me to purchase one. If anyone can tell me how to maneuver open office, please tell me how hehehehe

quite slick huh?!?

ok, Polly is signing off...for now (wish us luck)


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