
Monday, September 26, 2011

dinner at the Hamptons


Soshal, right?!?

Nope, I didnt go out of the country just to have my dinner. When one of my happy friends (my monthly dinnermates-former officemates-turned-happy friends) Posh, said that she'll treat me and Kee at dunkin donuts, I was really expecting not a dinner but more of a merienda get-together.

Dunkin donuts for me is a place where I can get the good 'ol donuts I (literally) grew up with!

Posh and Kee told me to drop by their office so that we could all go to Bonifacio Global City for Posh's treat together. So even if their office is just a skip-and-a-hop away from mine, I still went via a cab since there was no direct route going there. Darn flyovers! hee hee hee

After a few minutes of chicka inside their office, Posh said that we'll go have our Dunkin Donuts at the Hamptons...I thought "SOSHAL KAMI! HAMPTONS ITOH! hahaha"

In my mind, there is only one Hamptons and its not located in the Philippines. But I was wrong, this donut cafe is located at "Grand Hamptons" Tower in Bonifacio Global City...and also exudes the same class and luster with that of its American counterpart! :D

And I was even more taken-aback when I saw an actual menu. I figured, all they sell are donuts...nope, not this Dunkin Donuts Cafe!

We actually had dinner there and the food was okay! :D

The place was cozy...I liked their their couches...they're ultra comfy! :D

Posh's Salmon Pasta

Although their menu is quite limited--only a few pastas, burgers and croissants...its all good! I forgot what Kee and I ordered...a variation of a tomato-based pasta and Posh ordered a Salmon-style cream-based (guess what?!?) three donuts!

Kee and I ordered the same tomato-based pasta

Over-all Dunkins Donuts at the Hamptons was a cool experience. The donuts sold were not the typical flavors you can find in you local dunkin donuts stall.

Over all, it was a great dinner experience...added by the fact that I am with great company!

One satisfied customer,

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