
Monday, October 10, 2011

food down the memorylane

inipit + chocolate cake = one happy twisted chick! :P

I was on my way home last Friday and I decided on dropping by at SM Makati. As I roam my way around the ground floor, one cake caught my attention.

Hungry Pac chocolate cake were being sold!

delightful red box

Hungry Pac was introduced to me by my friend, Posh. She told me that every Friday (until Sunday--I think), SM Makati sells these uber delicious delicacies and other food. There are a lot of choices to choose from...there are bbqs, salads, flans, brownies and cakes. She particularly introduced me to hungry pac chocolate cake, given that I amn a certified chocoholic and a pastry-lover! Sometimes, Posh and I will travel home together (we live in almost the same area), we would pass by SM Makati and buy some pastries.

what's inside the box

Once introduced, I was immediately (undoubtedly!) hooked! Thats why when I passed along SM Makati, I couldnt help myself but to (unconsciously *yeah, right!*) keep one eye open for that pac-man looking character.

can you almost taste the rich, moist chocolate goodness???

I like Hungry Pac...its cheap (first and foremost hahaha for the ehem ehem thifty person like I am haha). also it comes in different sizes. The chocolate frosting is generously spread all over the cake (which I like--very much!) and lastly but most important, the cake is moist!

another (yummy) pit-stop!

But then when I was on my way to the counter, I saw a familiar looking green, plaid box that brought so many high school memories to mind.


It was a Eurobake box of Inipit!!!!

I got so excited because it has been ages since I last tasted an Inipit from Eurobake. In fact, I was still in highschool when I last had a bite of that delicious Bulacan delicacy.

temptingly irresistible!

In high school, I have a friend named Karla. Her family resides in Bulacan but she and her brother had an appartment near our school. During weekends she would go home to Bulacan and when Monday comes, she would always bring something for us (her classmates/friends). I especially loved her Bulacan's Inipit...(from Eurobake!). Somehow nothing compares to Eurobake's! (whoah, I sounded like an ad there!) All the other Inipit being sold in the grocery tasted dry and lacked something...they lacked "ummfff" of a great inipit!

wanna bite? :P

So naturally, I bought it as well! (Because I just HAVE to HAVE it!) :D

These goodies that so many many tummy-filling, enjoyable memories with friends! :D


still on a sugar high...

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