
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday's Bacon Cheeseburger (a must try indeed!)

do you have a particular restaurant which you and a particular group of friends frequent? that whenever you see that establishment the first thing that comes to mind are the friends you've brought there, the food trips, the laughter and the stories...

funny how just last week i noted that i've missed going to fridays, as i was walking in glorietta and saw the fridays signage... suddenly i missed my high school friends kyla, maan and ria as well as my college buddy vivian. you see whenever i meet up with these girls the first restaurant that pops in our minds as meeting place or the place where we’ll hang out and chat endlessly for updates is Fridays...

when I saw the signage, I remember the memories shared inside the restaurant. I missed my friends…:)
chitchats while waiting for the order truly build memories...

then the other day, out of the blue i got treated to fridays at bonifacio high street (by officemates). yipeee! :) imagine my great elation when I entered the place. the feeling of euphoria combined with sadness (since I’m not with the “usual” bunch of people) enveloped me. but good food and FREE food is always good! so maybe next time… I’ll come back with the ”old” peeps… maybe one of these days even! (fingers crossed)

I am a woman of routine, and as expected I wanted to order chicken finger with honey-mustard sauce (my usual order!). however, my friend already ordered it as appetizer. so i ordered, as suggested, bacon cheeseburger--a must try (says the menu, the only reason why i ordered it!).

lo and behold the burger was HUGE!!!
huge and mouth-watering!
I was literally taken aback (exag! hehe) when i saw the burger. i had a meal a couple of hours back so i am not that hungry at all! but since the meal was a treat by friends i was duty-bound to eat it. i was able to finish half (whew!) and take home the other half (gave it to my mom since i'm still full).

the burger was delish! yummy! superb! had i not have eaten hours before, i would have devoured it in minutes with much gusto!!! the burger patty was think, moist and yummy! the veggies--lettuce, tomatos (i know this is a fruit!), pickles and onions--are fresh! the bun was huge as well..(as expected!) since the patty was big...(weird if the bun was small and patty is big, right??? hehe).

i think it is much bigger than the brother's burger BIG BROTHER BURGER... but equally delicioso!
PS just noticing....
i realized just now that i have this thing with burgers. this one is hard to admit because i never really saw myself as a burger person. but as this will be my third burger entry for a period of 5 months (one burger entry every other month), this just goes to show--to my complete awe and amazement--that i am really a burger person......NOT! (still in denial apparently! hahaha)

bon apetit!

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