
Sunday, October 3, 2010

COMFORT FOOD#1: Starbucks' dark mocha frappe + oreo cheesecake

the perfect pair!

chocolate overload?!? I know. 

and, i LOVE! :) 

I'm a self-confessed chocoholic so, this isn't much at all! Actually, this is just a normal occurrence when I match chocolate drink with chocolate food—my version of heaven on earth! 

So many things has been happening to me these past few days---career-wise, goal-wise, love life-wise (yiheee!) and life-in-general! I needed something to balance out all the crazy events. And what better mood-harmonizer in this freakin' world but FOOD! yesss, FOOD, and for me particularly—anything CHOCOLATE! 

I went to the nearest place I could go to without compromising my "office-time" and that is--STARBUCKS! (just an observation, Filipinos must have looooove coffee, noh?! Starbucks and all other cafes sprout like mushrooms in the city---and even outside the city! Great for coffee lover like me) 

Thank God, a lot of Starbucks stores can be found in Makati! I ordered my favorites-- dark mocha frappuccino GRANDE with whip cream and a slice of Oreo cheesecake! Yum! I’m content—for a minute there, everything doesn’t matter, just me, my dark mocha frappe and my oreo cheesecake! What I don't understand are some people who have a lot of specifications on their coffee. 

Those no whip cream, skim milk, decaf, vanilla based, one shot of something so on and so forth. Don't they get that the more the specifications their coffee has, the less "great" their coffee would be. Hey, this just an opinion...maybe that's the beauty of customized coffee! Personally, I feel that if I order one of those, I get sort of cheated on, because the TRUEST coffee flavor isn't there anymore.

my lovely dark mocha frappuccino
Well anyhow, back to comfort food. I love coffee especially in the morning. Somehow, my day isn’t complete without it. It has been a part of my morning ritual. But nowadays, I missed having hot coffee in the morning. A lot has been changing... and my morning coffee is one of the "affected" things. So I decided to give myself a treat and went to Starbucks. But since its already evening, I've decided on something “colder”. 

Have I mentioned that I love chocolates???? I could eat them all day! ESPECIALLY dark chocolates. I simply adore them! So naturally when I’m in Starbucks, I always order DARK MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO. I love the mocha taste. Coffee + dark chocolate is a win-win situation, for me! The taste isn’t too bitter and its not too sweet either. This is a thick, rich and creamy drink with bits of cocoa beans (i think!)!

Another love of mine are cheesecakes--especially OREO CHEESECAKE. This shouldn't come as a shock to you because, my first ever attempt at making cheesecakes, i made oreo cheesecakes. (I'm starting to sound redundant, but what the heck...that's how i love Oreo cheesecake!) AND the BEST Oreo cheesecake for me is at Starbucks! The way to eat it, is to savor every flavor one bite at a time. You must not hurry or else the “richness” of the cheesecake will go unnoticed. You let the cheesecake linger in you palate for a while to truly appreciate how GOOD it is! Puuuuurrfect! Yum-eh!

These two are a joy to eat...

...After this, back to reality..back to regular programming…

sweet-tooth, prettytwistedchick

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