
Sunday, October 10, 2010

YAKIMIX experience

Last Friday after work, my friends and I went to Greenbelt 3 and dined at Yakimix. They have this buffet meal wherein you can eat anything and everything you want for only 580Php. But like all good things, there's a catch! This one has conditions attached to it. First, NO LEFT OVER! Second, NO TAKE HOME! And third, it doesn’t mean that if you're young, cute and cuddly, you can use that to your, CHILDREN BELOW 4 YEARS OF AGE (well their parents that is!) still has to shell out some dough, at a discounted price, but dough nonetheless!

Hmmm, where do I begin?

At first I really had no idea what Yakimix was! All along I thought we were going to eat at Dad's for merienda but a sudden shift in the wind made my friends change their minds and now its Yakimix. Prior to Friday, Posh and Jo showed me a blog site about Yakimix and I immediately got turned off. Yep, that I did! The pictures in the blog were amazing, by the way…but all I saw were Japanese food! (one thing you should know about me is that aside from being a picky eater, I’m allergic to a lot of things as that narrows down my food choices next to nothing!) Its not that I hate Japanese food, I just don’t like eating "RAW" food which I believe most Japanese restaurants cater to their clientele. But in my defense (defensive pala! hehehe), I LOOOOOVE Katsudon (that’s a Japanese food right?!? :D)
But I digress....back to Yakimix, I was starting to dread the idea of doing to Yakimix until I saw in the blog the pics of their desserts. I immediately confirm my attendance! Yep friends, I'm in! I'm good...even just with the desserts! I can live with just desserts!

the ambiance
Then friday came and we went to Yakimix. :) As we entered, the place isnt packed yet. Probably because it was around 7ish when we arrived there (excited much?!?). We got a good seat—not too far from the buffet tables but not too near either!

How ironic that the first table we went to is the Japanese food corner. If your were next to me that time, you'll probably hear me muttering "X", "X", "X", "X".... while I was choosing what food to get. At the end, I finally decided that, THAT table is not for me.
So on to the next...I saw the dessert table and I thought my heart dropped! The array of desserts was simply divine! It was heavenly!!! I just restrained myself from attacking the dessert table as I have not had any "real" food yet... Again, off to the next table (while trying to not longingly look back at the dessert table, that time will come later on...)

I got to the table wherein the smokeless grill will be used. I refrained myself from getting some shrimps (coz I'm allergic) and salmon (coz I just dont like salmon)... I tried asking if they have tuna (coz that is my favorite—I could eat grilled or fried tuna ALL DAY, FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!) but to my dismay, there was none.
"Yakimix, why is there salmon but no tuna??? Sooo unfair!" *sigh*
I guess, I just have to be contended with the beef, the pork and the chicken...oh and some processed food as well!

my first plate

I went for the interesting stuffs, which I believe will not go into waste—meaning no left over! hehehe I tried to get one of each. My decision is based on the following criteria: whether or not I can eat it, whether or not I can bravely swallow it (just in case the taste doesn’t suit my palate) and whether or not I’m allergic to it!

I was just happy grilling. There's something exciting about seeing your food "cooked" by you and before your eyes plus without tons of smoke to block your vision! Super nice! When it comes to my meat and other things (I mean food) on stick, I'm a well-done kinda girl, so it took awhile before all the stuffs I got, cooked! But in the end, I got it all done the way I want ‘em!

Oh, the waiter cleaned the grill even before we left the table and so we were able to see what it looked like inside! Weird stones. Ewww grease!

Jo's first plate....

blue lemonade?!?
Of course, we need something to quench our thirst! Thanks to sir tots for this pleasing to the eye, lemonade—although a little sweet for my taste!

As for my second plate, I went for the traditional Pinoy meal... friend rice, chicken lollipop, crispy pata, fried tofu with sweet sauce and fried vegetables. Yum! This one I enjoyed eating for the simple reason that it taste like I’m at home sharing a meal with my family…

I was saving the best for last! I made sure that I have room --LOTS OF ROOM-- for desserts! For me, desserts are the culmination of every meal...

who will say no to blueberry cheesecake, right?!?

ahhh leche flan, a staple dessert in my household!

chocolate cake

caramel bar and egg tart
…however, I must say that I got uber disappointed with these particular sweets that I got. Most of them, especially the blueberry cheesecake and the leche flan were bland and tasteless. The sponge part of the chocolate cake was dry and the only thing that I liked about it was the chocolate on its side. The egg tart tasted...well, like eggs! (and I’m not fond of eggs!) But, this isn't all about me ranting... I found a little piece of happiness in their dessert too! I found their caramel bar and I loved it! Yummmmy! Tasted like Max’s caramel bar! :D

This isn’t me making this blog an avenue for complains... its just that I expected too much from the dessert part since that was the food I was most eager to try! But I had fun too! Look below for the evidence of an empty plate that filled my stomach!

*burp!* --no leftover!-- *grin*

got tired from eating all those desserts???

good food must be shared and enjoyed with great friends!
Too bad I only had three plates....Plus I wasn't able to try the other cakes, the ice creams and the salads... tsk tsk tsk maybe next time?!?

bon apetit!

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