
Sunday, October 10, 2010


After filling our tummies at Yakimix (until we had hard time breathing from extreme fullness), the gang—Sir Tots, Posh, Jo and I (yes, 4 can still be considered as a gang)—went to our next pit-stop for the night, WAKO KTV.

They decided (as I have no idea that videoke was part of the night's agenda, and they assumed that the "strike-anywhere" in me will just tag along—and they were correct!) that videoke will be mainly for Jo's practice since she's a contestant (representing our team) for our office's IDOL, a singing competition. It's already second elimination round (I think!) so she has to ready herself and prepare her repertoire. I was told that for this round, they are to choose from old ballad songs. For me, (biased that I am) Jo no longer needed the practice coz FOR SURE she got the prize in the bag, her talent more than surpassed her competitors! :P

Anyhow, just for the formality of "practice" (Jo's competitors might say that she's being overly confident) we had a videoke/karaoke night hehehe (yabang!) I repeat, this is just for formality's sake!

the TV

the remote

who first grabbed the mic?? Jo, Posh, Sir Tots or me? any guess??

I haven't been to WAKO before, and for me, at 85Php per head AND per hour, the place is okay. Most of the songs in their lists are pretty old English songs (probably 80s or 70s), a few Tagalog songs and a LOT of Chinese and Korean songs (which we have no idea how to sing or read from the list for that matter!)

the song book

BUT despite having a hard time breathing (because our stomachs haven't digested all the food we ate at Yakimix) and the limited song choice, we still brought out the inner diva in us and belted our hearts out.

sooo many choices to choose from! (can you hear my sarcasm?)

NOTE: I will no longer reveal the song choices of each and everyone because some of the songs sang were incriminating and have a great impact on our reputation. Let's just say, what was sung in WAKO, stayed in WAKO. Hehehe

jo singing for fun!!(relax mode)

It was a fun night indeed!


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