
Friday, November 30, 2012

long weekend?

telltale signs that this long weekend will be great... when starts with a good book, coffee and hot pan de sal for breakfast!

Life is good!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


...coz they make it happen
in Makati! haha

because there's no apple-bearing trees in the Philippines :)
cool find!


Friday, November 23, 2012


Cubao's Giant Christmas Tree captured small! haha (the irony!)

Its Christmas time in the city!

pretty(high on the holidays)twistedchick


happy buddha even with a missing arm :)


Thursday, November 22, 2012


This day didnt start quite well... I was late for work; experienced ungentlemanly behaviour 4x in 30 mins; my fave scarf has a BIG tear; missing folders; extra annoying clients; work is always underappreciated; lunch at 4pm (half eaten due to more hovering clients); and momentarily got scared when the train emitted a burning rubber kinda smell.

But still I am thankful for my morning toffee nut latte (its christmas!);accomplished 2 documents;updated my tv series plus more; crazy texting frenzy with cousins; even more crazy messages from friends; meet up with OLD (literally! Haha) friend and his lady (see you again soon); and the train stopped at my station. The night end up on a good note!

The good always outweighs the bad. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! 😉


Monday, November 19, 2012

sweet morning

I tried this Dark Chocolate Cherry Sansrival of Starbucks.

I'm not a fan. 

Its toooo messy to eat (hahaha) and sticky! It stucked to the fork, to the paper everywhere!

I loved the cherry though! haha

I tried this because my friend loved it...guess we have different palate preference! :D

prettytwisted(and sugar rushed)chick

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today, I've fallen hard.....

...from these steps!

Stairs are tricky thing! My backside will probably be black and blue later on.

And I literally saw stars, like those in cartoons! Who knew those were real!

pretty(much in pain)twistedchick

Friday, November 16, 2012

wise words

Even Yan Yan has something to say today... Tsk tsk
Echoserang froglet! Haha


christmas and coffee

Christmas in a cup :D

One of the things that remind me of the coming Christmas season is when Starbucks starts offering coffee on red cups rather than their ordinary white cups.

Also its the start of collecting a certain no. of stickers to be able to get the Starbucks planner. It has been a tradition of mine (since it started 5 or 6 years ago) to get that coveted planner.

Now, I'm not quite sure.

I barely touched the planner I have this year coz I have my own calendar for office, and a sort of journal at home.

So we'll see how I fare with this sticker thing. I might send it as a gift if all else fail.

Grabe, its almost Christmas! I havent done any shopping yet! Goodluck to me. Hehehe


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I have this "kilig" feeling for days now and I cant pin point the source. Whats up with that?

To those non-filipinos out there... I shall try to define what kilig is. (Note: emphasis on the word TRY! hee hee)

kilig (noun):  Its the little tremble or shudder (usually positive) and usually in reference to something one like. the feeling when one is infatuated
              : some connotes this a "butterflies in the stomach"   but not quite so
            : others defined it as "titillate"  but with less sexual undertone
            : twitterpatted
            : giddy-feeling 

On other news, my officemate gave us these... Aint she sweet?!?


Saturday, November 10, 2012

cosmic conspiracy?

Its crazy and weird to enjoy something that I know will never bear fruit. There will be no happy ending in this story yet I am exposing myself to a sure-ball heartache!

Speaking of fruit (abrupt change topic, I know! Haha)...

I was talking to a friend (sorta) this afternoon and our conversation lead to bananas. Crazy, I know! And then after awhile, when I was doing my series marathon my mom came home holding this huge yellow bananas. I mean, is the universe telling me something? Is there sort of cosmic conspiracy I don't know of?

Or is this just a weird coincidence?

What say you?


I'm trying to shy away from social networks that I promised myself all my "statuses/tweets/thoughts" will be published here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



ang pag-agaw ng dilim sa liwanag....

(ar you ish-cared op da dark?!?)


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

dysfunctional money

Inside my coin purse...

coz I'm OC like that!!! haha

pretty(obsessive)twisted chick :)

twenty questions

I love questionnaires. Because I love answering questions. haha

Growing up, there were times I'd picture myself in a one-on-one interview with Kuya Boy (Abunda) or Oprah answering any and all types of questions and intrigues. 

I was first introduced to the game 20 questions roughly around 3 years ago. My apologies people, growing up I never encountered such game...until a someone proposed that we do that--sort of an icebreaker and more like getting to know each other more. 

Then later, I joined and stayed on a particular online site just because I find their questions very interesting. Whenever I'm bored go to their site. To this day, I've answered 1083 questions...I'm only sharing my sometimes wacky, sometimes serious and sometimes me being prettytwistedchick---EXACTLY as my name depicts! haha

Its a multiple choice type and the underlined ones were my answer. Some have explanation....just because I'd like to expound on my answers....A LOT! haha

It a good therapy/activity. Try it!

Here are my twenty questions and answers. :)




There you to my another interview. Chos! (Paalala ang mga nakasaad ay pawang opinyon lang ng may akda! haha :))

prettytwisted(and feeling artists)chick! haha